tokina 11 16

tokina 11 16. tokina 12-24 at f/11,
  • tokina 12-24 at f/11,

  • And when was the last time ThinkSecret got a rumor right???

    since the got sued they're rumors have been crap. :(

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11 to 16 f2.8 lens.
  • Tokina 11 to 16 f2.8 lens.

  • "....Oh, she's hot. I wonder if she squirts?" :D

    OK, mods can delete that one.

    Yes they can BUT that is what he actually said. Unusual word choice?

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16mm for Sony Alpha
  • Tokina 11-16mm for Sony Alpha

  • Don't bring any %#@ factories here, nosiree, we don't need no !%$#%&# jobs. Thanks Apple. 65 Billion in the bank... rat-bastards.

    tokina 11 16. Re: Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8
  • Re: Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8

  • Good solid upgrade. Nothing earth shattering but i know a couple people who've been holding off that this may sway.

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16 Duclos
  • Tokina 11-16 Duclos

  • Here is a copy of an e-mail I sent to the FTC and DOJ yesterday (by way of copy from an e-mail to David Porter, the offending Wal-Mart executive). I urge everyone to do something similar:

    Send to,, and

    Dear Mr. Porter:

    By this letter and by copy to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice I hereby notify you that your reported behavior constitutes numerous violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. As reported in a wide variety of sources, you have been meeting with the heads of large movie studios and threatening to purchase fewer or return product from those studios that agree to distribute movies over Apple iTunes service (see, e.g., This is an egregious restraint of trade that severely effects interstate commerce. News reports indicate that you have already "punished" Disney by returning thousands of DVDs and refusing to sell them. Because Wal-Mart sells 40% of the physical DVDs in the United States, you are in a privileged position and are abusing your market power. You are seeking to obtain concessions to sell content at Apple's prices (which does not include the manufacture, shipment, and sale of a physical item). Apple has innovated - something WalMart is incapable of -- and WalMart now wants to take advantage of Apple's innovation.

    I urge the FTC and the DOJ to open criminal investigations into your behavior. In addition, your conduct violates your own "Corporate Code of Ethics," making a mockery of your supposed corporate values.

    You should be ashamed of your luddite and monopolistic behavior.

    Bravo, sir! I wrote a similar complaint to the Department of Justice. If everyone here wrote one, we might actually see some effect; big corporations and institutions seem to believe that for every single person who sends out a letter there are at least 20 other people with the same opinion. (A good example: the Janet Jackson 'wardrobe malfunction' backlash. Who really cared about that other than the people who wrote the FCC? Practically no one...)

    tokina 11 16. bought the Tokina 11-16mm
  • bought the Tokina 11-16mm

  • Spoilsport, I thought we we're having a 'crazy' prediction discussion

    Like the intoduction of an iToaster (like the one off Red Dwarf) maybe an iOxygen device so we don't have to worry about pollution


    Get the smeg out!

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16 f2.8
  • Tokina 11-16 f2.8

  • Oh my, the kiddies will squeal with delight. Mommies will be frequenting Apple stores like never before. Every big box store will offer them. It will be SRO at Wally World.

    tokina 11 16. Tokina,11-16mm,f2.8,ultra,wide
  • Tokina,11-16mm,f2.8,ultra,wide

  • Well it sounds like Apple wants to release all of their iOS devices (the iPad, iPod and iPhone) at the same time, a month or two before christmas, and a month or two after their new iOS release.

    That way, they can make everything uniform.

    There is no advantage to Apple to do this. In fact it would be a huge disadvantage:

    1) they would become a "black friday" company where the majority of their profit and cash flow comes from one quarter of the year;

    2) they would have to hire more engineers as they wouldn't be able to shift them from other less pressing projects as they do now b/c everything would be shipping in the same time frame;

    3) there would be less PR "boom" throughout the year because Apple would basically blow its yearly product wad in the span of a couple months. Out of sight, out of mind. Apple needs to always been in people's head, waiting for the next big announcement. Don't want to kill the Big Mo.

    What it sounds like is Apple doesn't want to release iPhone 5 this summer b/c what it really wants the iPhone 5 to be won't be ready and they are not going to rush to market like they did the iPhone 4. Lesson learned.

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 PRO DX
  • Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 PRO DX

  • The vast majority of gun incidents and stabbings happen within gangs, it's the parents fault for not educating their child to keep away from them. I know for instance that stabbings in London is highly overstated, in that London I think is the most populated capital in Europe and so it's inevitable for these frequent occurrences.

    I don't consider London particularly dangerous, as long as you stay away from the places notorious for having yobs and gangs during the evening.

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116
  • Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116

  • Except for the fact that Apple is not about to release an iPad 3 this year. They have absolutely no reason to.

    Except to get in on the September iPod refresh timeframe. Read this. (

    tokina 11 16. D300, Tokina 11-16 2.8,
  • D300, Tokina 11-16 2.8,

  • I don't understand all of the negative comments but OK.....

    That said, I'm not buying the statement that 3D TV is a fad. Emerging technolgy? Sure. Fad? No way. It's a natural evolution that is at or in reach of Joe Consumer. BTW, check out LG's new brand of 3D TV's. They use the same type of glasses you use in a theater setting. Also, it is important to remember that all content gives you the *option* of viewing in 3D. It's not mandatory.

    As far as a 3D capable iPad; I'm all for it. It's not about reading email or browsing the web in 3D. That would be kinda stupid. It's about games and books and cool UI's.

    That darn floppy drive just won't seem to die.....

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16 2.8 @12mm
  • Tokina 11-16 2.8 @12mm

  • Steve is smooth, and he gets the point.

    There is nothing more to ruin the moment, whether it be with a pretty girl, or with someone you are having a friendly convesation with, than to start fumbling with MENUS. The spontanity is lost once 2 people need to remove their Zunes from their pockets, go through a few menus, and then send a song over wireless. THEN listen to it. ALONE.

    Wireless will come on iPod when its good and ready. It isnt right now.

    motulist: you are right on cue. You just described what will be the real Zune experience.

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11–16mm f/2.8 Nikon
  • Tokina 11–16mm f/2.8 Nikon

  • News update:: Halo sucks...Borderlands is a much better game ;)

    tokina 11 16. Tokina 11-16 Lens
  • Tokina 11-16 Lens

  • Not only did 3D without glasses suck on the 3DS, it isn't even possible on an iPad. Just think about it: The iPad is always advertised as a very orientation independent device. But turning it from landscape to portrait would immediately kill the 3D effect. Unless Apple found some new "magic" 3D technology, this rumor is just complete bs in every way.

    tokina 11 16. tokina-11-16-test-01.jpg
  • tokina-11-16-test-01.jpg

  • Or sooner?

    tokina 11 16. tokina-11-16-test-02.jpg
  • tokina-11-16-test-02.jpg

  • Mine for today, really like this shot. (
    Love ( by TheSVD (, on Flickr

    tokina 11 16. PRO DX AF 11-16 mm f/2.8
  • PRO DX AF 11-16 mm f/2.8

  • Nope, none of those reviews count until ZP reviews it, because he is the only person not on drugs.
    Well, in general, reviews should never be the one and only thing someone bases their purchases on. And yes, that includes Yahtzee.

    tokina 11 16. My Tokina 11-16 is GREAT for
  • My Tokina 11-16 is GREAT for

  • I'm salivating....

    Just such a sexy piece of software. 1/3th of that power in iMovie would KILL any other consumer video editing software.

    Edit: You have to own this at $299. Just a steal!

    tokina 11 16. Review: Tokina 11-16mm F2.8
  • Review: Tokina 11-16mm F2.8

  • I just installed it and my battery is still going strong. So yeah, it's fixed. :rolleyes:

    I've been going thru these forums for about a year now. I find good posts and opinions but I hate these snide comments from people. Not everyone is as tech savvy as many who post here. I'm sick of scrolling past these guys that have nothing better to do than mock others.

    It's on page 2 rumors now.

    Someone from this forum hoaxed 9to5... so false alarm, and don't trust 9to5

    Sorry about the MacBook Pro 'hoax'. We had got a few tips but didn't realize it was a concerted effort to make us look bad. We'll do better

    My daughter needs to use a Mac for school work, but I simply cannot justify the $1k plus expense for a bottom of the line Mac Book.

    I used to think the same way. 2 kids off to college, money is tight but I gave them each their choice of laptops:

    1.) kid#1 chose a Dell because she <gasp> liked Vista :eek:
    2.) kid#2 chose the plain old white macbook

    3 years later, guess which one is currently crap? Seriously, Kid#1 comes home one day, opens up her Dell and she's got 3 keys missing one of which is the Enter key - has no clue where they went. :D Also, the battery is lasting a full 20 minutes and the DVD drive is kaput. The damn thing creaks and moans more than my arthritic joints.

    Now, the lowly white macbook looks like it's been used as a door mat (which I polished up for kid #2 in about 5 minutes) but it works flawlessly.

    Really... don't rationalize the cost. Kids are tough on these things and you aren't always there to "learn 'em" how to handle them. A well built mac + Applecare is a pretty secure future for their learning experience.

    interesting file size for the iP4!

    666 megs for me. iP4.

    I have a 12" PowerBook and when I saw the new 13" MacBook, there is no comparison, Why are people waiting for a 12" ? Have you even seen the 13"?
    it's a widescreen unlike the PB12... keep waiting, but it is not going to happen.

    Anyhow, I have been waiting awhile for this upgrade, the store has been offline forever!!! Hurry apple.. My wallet is itching for one in black!!!

    i agree that there'll never be a 12" again, considering they've all gone widescreen. and as everyone noted, the 13" looks sweet, but its just not as portable. the wideness of it makes it more akward to hold than the 12" powerbook. im hoping they do release a 10" widescreen MBP next year. they'll definatly be stealing some Vaio engineers for that gig tho.

    Try squeezing 26,000 songs on your iPhone. ;)

    Nice library, but do you need it with you at all times? I used to think I did, but I've found that I don't need 11,000 songs with me all the time. I have songs in my library I haven't listened to in years. Another reason why the iPod classic is dying, Apple, and iTunes, have made it very easy to manage the music you actually listen to, and add it to your iPod.

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