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  • I'm a bit on the bubble on this. It's cool that you can get the OS that you really need, but on the other side, this **** is going to confuse the hell out of non tech savvy people.
    Amazon ( has Vista available for Preorder at the above-mentioned prices

    They do updates, they are just free. No need for a full release for small add ons.:rolleyes:
    Wow, not getting updates to your OS for half a decade is now an advantage is it?

    And Windows users accuse Mac owners of being delusional!

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  • Well, let's be real here. It is a shooter. The game is going to mainly entail traversing levels, and shooting the enemies in the way. By nature, it is going to be repetitive. I guess I didn't feel that though, given the variety in the way you go about this; On foot, in a Warthog, in a Falcon, with a Jet Pack, in a Space Ship, with a team, by yourself. I quite liked all the various levels, and the ways the game made available to finish them.

    Yes, you are right, but the story itself, in the little I've seen of it is just more of the same, but I have not given up. I'm hoping to get back into it this weekend. :)

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  • But wind energy is, so one ipod versus piles of books, we could finally stop all this senseless logging.

    Save 5,000 trees with your iPod.

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  • It'll be cheaper if bought via the Mac App Store, just like Aperture is cheaper than the off the shelf, boxed version when bought via the Mac App Store.

    I absolutely adore these attempts at prophecy. Bottom line: We have no idea what the thing will cost, and all we can do right now is make educated guesses.

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  • How long does it usually take for new releases to be available? So it's been announced it will be available "today". So.... what's the average? Hours? Minutes?

    Yes, I'm an impatient child. :D

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  • My iBook qualifies and I just went through the process. Website says Apple will send a new battery, then I have to send the old one back. My old one is doing just fine, does anyone know what will happen if I don't send it back? I'd rather have two good batteries, even if one may explode (1 in a million chance).

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  • I just wonder if there is any upgrade pricing strategy. No matter what - $299 is A STEAL!
    From watching the video, I got the impression that there won't be an upgrade version of Final Cut Pro or an Express version. However they did say they haven't shown the rest of the apps off yet, but what remains to be seen is whether they will just offer each app individually on the app store or package them in a retail box as well. I personally can't see how they can get people to download 40GB odd of content, so I am hopeful they will still offer the full studio package with upgrade pricing.

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  • alright, so now all we need is a C2D mac mini and the entire line will be dual core and 64 bit. Which will make leopard, being 64 bit, kick that much more ass.

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  • "All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field� is starting to warp Steve's mind if he thinks for one second that this thing is gonna take off. "

    Haha.....Macrumors readers were SO wrong in that thread. It's quite hilarious, actually. Not only was it a breakthrough device, it completely changed the entire music industry! So much so, Bon Jovi was recently quoted "Steve Jobs killed the music business".

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  • You don't understand how that could come off as racist? The many successful black role models around today simply don't exist in your world view somehow?

    I'll agree some of the comment's weren't in the best taste. But take a step back and look at some of the numbers they're really are some worrying disparities between black communities and other communities in the US (and apparently Britain as well).

    Almost 80% of black women give birth outside of wedlock. Which is roughly twice the average rate and 3 times the rate of white women. And a dis-proportionate number of crimes are committed by black men.

    I'm NOT trying to claim that there aren't successful well educated black people out there. Obviously there are lots of them (including our current president) but your being delusional if you cannot recognize there are some very serious problems in the black community.

    One obviously needs to consider factors like poverty, lack of education etc. And even today there are certainly lingering problematic ripples from slavery and segregation.

    But there are cultural issues which members of the black community are going to have to confront.

    --> Entertainment Role Models - There is a massive shortage of visible role models in the black community. Don't get me wrong I love rap and hip hop but it is abundantly clear that much of this music glorifies woefully poor behavior.

    --> Language (you might be able to lump this in with education) I would never hire someone who can't speak passable English but never the less this ridiculous cultural lingo persists and propagates.

    There are plenty of other problems to consider, but its seriously important that we start discussing this ****. Because the issues definitely aren't going go away if we close our ears and scream LALALALA !!

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  • 9to5 revoked their statement...

    Update: We've received multiple tips that there would be Pro updates in the coming days. This latest one about the MacBook Pros may have been fake. Shame on us.

    Edit: Sorry, Esquare was a nano-second earlier than me :P

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  • Haha! Everyone waited for this update and it's so lame. Core 2 Duo is nice, but I'm certainly glad I bought my r1 MB :D

    There's someone with some sense! Wow!

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  • Not one mention of the STUDIOS in this thread? Ever think that maybe they leaked/exagerated this news to take the attention off of themselves?

    Oh no, big bad Wal-Mart won't let us do it...

    No arguement what Wal-Mart is doing should be illegal. There is so much that goes against many laws that they somehow weasel their way around it's frightening. That said they aren't the only one nor are the ultimate problem in video distribution.

    The studios are stepping over dollars to save pennies. They've put a stangle hold on content claiming to protect the artists... Look at iTunes. Even some of the most ardent opponents have now let their music be distributed that way. In the mean time they only hurt themselves.

    I can't imagine that too many studios will sit back and watch Disney dominate the iTunes scene. No matter what Wal-Mart says. There is a perfectly good market for HD growing that I don't see online downloads taking over any time soon. Even with DSL I can't imagine waiting for 50GB to download...

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  • Doubtful

    While the content isn't available yet. :rolleyes: The fact that its listed prob means that they are close to putting it up.

    That screen shot looks a little fishy, like an AMG and Muze database dump. The Vee Jay and Thunderbolt albums seem odd for a deal with EMI.

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  • Cool Idea. Horrible implementation. Why put it in a imac or any desktop!? The angle would hurt like hell and it could never be used in a productive setting (at an office where you have to type all day) also if it only has an iOS layer then how much will it be utilized is it worth to touch the screen to open safari then use the mouse for everthing else.

    maybe it would be cool to have like an iOS crossover that replaces dashboard and has an app store but not touch screen..

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  • Man, Apple keeps getting lower and lower. First Walmart, now this?

    What a shame that a company wants to get their products in the hands of the common folk. How dare they try to sell to anyone but the self-appointed elitist crowd?

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  • With this kinda of angst, why wouldn't they use the internal Airport card?


    Something does not add up.

    Either it's much harder to do with built-in drivers in both Windows/OS X that they want to make claim of..

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  • Finland store still up as well, even though our neighbours in Sweden have their store down already. C'mon Finland & U.S. stores, give up! :D

    Finland down. Aye.

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  • Ummm.... I was of the impression that in a couple of markets People tried to promote HSPA+ as 4G and got smacked. Pretty much 4G must be a true 4G tech like LTE to use the name.


    Top Secret stuff? You mean like a movie download service? Or a Front Row PVR? iPhone software?

    I find it interesting that he didn't say anything about Front Row and how it would be improved.

    I was thinking about that just now as I watched the Keynote. Many of the features demonstrated today seem to have been specifically mentioned because of their importance to developers. They're either new or improved resources for the devs to work with, or they are "quality of life" improvements. Notice that a lot of items on developer/advanced user wish lists were granted today -- multi-user iCal, multiple iChat enhancements for teleconferencing and so forth, multiple desktops, various organization-related advances in Mail, automated backups (what developer wouldn't want that?), and so forth. This is definitely "Developers! Developers! Developers!" type stuff. Some of the biggest complaints (valid or not) are centered around the lack of various programs for OS X. This is a big gambit, and we should be looking at it in terms of its potential, not of its explicit results to Apple's product line. This WWDC was very strategic in nature -- Apple's going for the throat.

    The top secret features? I expect that the mention was made largely to allay Apple fanboy fears of a underwhelming OS update, to keep Microsoft nervous, and to keep developers on their toes as well. That being said, I think there's a large grain of truth in it. As previously-mentioned, a good number of the improvements mentioned today were at least debatably for power users (not the Mail stationery, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a connection somewhere).

    The features that sell us on Leopard (and convince stragglers and non Mac-users to buy new Macs) are going to be impressive in function and not have much bearing on developers (at least, not like the Intel switch ;)). I mean enhancements to Front Row, iTunes, Quicktime (Just give us the @#$%ing Pro features), and other media-centered technologies. Enhancements to Safari, Finder (I hope), iCal, Address Book. Enhancements to consumer hardware, like the Airport base stations and (possibly) a TV-capture device.

    In other words, I think Apple's flanking their competitors in the media center world and are preparing to do with video what they've done with audio. They might even attempt to crush Microsoft right around the Vista launch, when consumer confidence is at a low, by making their OS's entire software library just another feature of OS X.

    Now, this probably isn't so. Apple might be resting on their Tiger laurels. But I think, after careful consideration, that Apple is going for the throat.

    I feel so sorry that the Beatles will never get your moey and that their greed made you a thief.:cool:

    i have not pirated any music except for the beattles since itunes came out... if you dont give consumers what they want, they will find a way to get it... their own greed bit them in the ass and i dont feel the least bit sorry for them... now they have realized that they missed the boat, and they are crawling back to try to make money... sorry Yoko... you f$#%ed up!!!

    So the concept of this attack seems similar to Bluetooth exploits that target "discoverable" phones. And the solution for many people was to make their phones non-discoverable, since they were already paired to all the important devices anyway.

    In the Airport preferences, there is the "By default, join: Preferred networks" option. In addition, when you click options, you can select to keep searching for preferred networks when one does not find a preferred network. But I'm not sure... is this enough? Or is the system vulnerable even when it is only looking for preferred networks? It would seem like one could spoof enough of the signal of a preferred network in some cases (e.g. when it's a company network with a known name as opposed to my hidden network at home, the name of which no one else really knows).

    It seems like, in the long run, there needs to be something like a "non-discoverable" mode for 802.11 to solve this issue....

    Yeah, that's a good move. Do you think some girl will want to listen to Metallica with me?

    My bet is on Macbook pro update. with merom processor. maybe even a new form.

    It had BETTER be...

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