portal 2 chell redesign

portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
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  • I don't know why so many people are against 3D. It sounds like people who say "Get off my lawn!!" Sure, 3D isn't fully developed yet, but even the 3DS is pretty neat and adds a whole new level of gameplay and immersion. It is surely the next level of tangible UI.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Your logic is flawed. Why would the 6th generation iPhone be called iPhone 5? Apple just got out of the naming sequence and looks like will be following a numerical sequence now. It would be stupid in a marketing aspect to go from iPhone 3G to iPhone 3, as customers would like to see additional things in the name, not the removal of a letter.
    iPad -> iPad 2, iPhone 4 -> iPhone 5.
    It makes the most sense, and btw when people call it "iPhone 5" they're referring it as the 5th generation iPhone because it's a faster way of saying just that.

    iPhone = iPhone 1
    iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
    iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
    iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
    iPhone 5 = iPhone 5

    In regards to the OP. I'm very excited about the iPhone 5 now, it seems as though waiting for September will be worth it if we're to see a completely revamped iOS + A5 Dual Core CPU + Upgraded GPU + 4" screen + NFC + possible LTE upgradability.

    The iPhone and iPhone 3G have kicked the can update-wise, now it's your turn iPhone 3GS.


    apple messed up when they didn't call the 3G the "iphone 2" (which was actually caused by not putting 3G in the iphone in the first place, they had to broadcast 3G capability because there was so much moaning about the original iphone being edge only), we had to have a 3GS rather than "iphone 3" to avoid confusion, and now we have the iphone 4 (note how the iphone 4 is the 4th iphone). i doubt we will see them go back to numbers and letters again and they don't need to, especially now that the iphone is such a well known device. it's capabilities don't need to be included in the name anymore.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Let's theorize: So why didn't they use the internal card?

    Supposedly because apple said "please, please, pretty please dont"

    Edit: Or maybe it was just an offer they couldnt refuse...

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • it says my computer is effect(its model number) but it says my Battery is not...my number on my battery starts with 6C5393... any tell me if it is effected?

    Edit- So other people are having this problem too.. damn i was just at the Apple store!

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • http://cman.zenfolio.com/img/s3/v26/p822638810-4.jpg

    portal 2 chell redesign. Gameplay in the Portal series
  • Gameplay in the Portal series

  • This is awesome news! Sounds like iOS 5 will now give Google's Voice Actions for Android a run for its money. Ha...I even have the Siri app on my home screen (which I seldom use) but after WWDC and seeing its integration into iOS 5, I'll be using it or whatever it will be called a lot more often. Looking forward to WWDC '11! :D

    Speech text has been my major gripe with iOS. Less important... yet important, is free, voice-integrated GPS solutions. Apple can provide good turn by turn in Maps without significantly undercutting carrier solutions, but it's a gamble. As the iPhone doesn't change carrier to carrier, this would be an annoyance to carriers.

    The reason I see voice commands as so closely related to mapping, is that I've had instances where quickly telling the phone where I need to go, isn't just helpful... It's almost been vital. For instance, going to the emergency room, or rerouting while driving. Holding down the home button and being able to say, "I need to get to the nearest hospital" is a lot better than tapping away for 10-15 vital seconds.

    I also love that even Siri is as interactive as iPhone's voice commands. It asks follow up questions and seems genuine,y helpful. The idea you could hold a button, and give a more "Siri" friendly command like "I'd like you to play some music like 'Torn' by Natalie Imbruglia" would be fantastic. Holding again and saying, "--and what's the weather going to be like on Friday?" Is also amazing. Every time Siri answers any form of that question, including "for the next two days" or "while I'm visiting Birmingham, AL"... it just floors me.

    Currently Android doesn't do most of it's voice commands over Bluetooth, while everything iOS uses voice commands is so great because of it. The best part of voice commands is not taking anything out of your pocket, and feeling like you've got someone at your beck and call while walking through the store with your Bluetooth headphones on and your hands in your pockets. ;o)

    ~ CB

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Ok, but they are only utilizing Moscone West. Why not rent West and North, South or all three. That would allow them to expand without moving.
    Perhaps there's something about the North Hall and South Hall facilities that don't meet Apple's approval.

    There's also a possibility that Apple is at a human resources limit for staffing the event. Many of the hands-on individual sessions probably scale poorly. Perhaps most of the qualified engineers are there and throwing extra bodies doesn't improve the event. Apple's engineering team is very small for a company of its size.

    It's not like Apple can bring aboard the holiday part-time help from the local retail stores to help teach developers how to utilize the CoreLocation API.

    Since Apple has participated in large tradeshows before and have been successfully running the WWDC for years, I assume they have looked at various factors before signing these Moscone Center contracts.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign. vito. Apr 6, 05:12 AM. And while this little Apple - Toyota quot;thingyquot; is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement
  • portal 2 chell redesign. vito. Apr 6, 05:12 AM. And while this little Apple - Toyota quot;thingyquot; is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement

  • I am pleased to see these colour iPods back. I have a 6GB Mini and i would have liked Apple to have made maybe a 6GB or 8GB Nano in different colours. If i get one of these new Nanos it would feel like a bit of a downgrade to me in terms of space. I guess that i would be gaining in other areas though. I do suspect though that Apple will up the hard drive capacity on these colour Nanos in the future.
    It is a bit strange they way that they have done this though making all the colour ones 4GB and the 8GB the black one only.

    I noticed also that they only support 10.3.9 and up all those who are using older Mac Software are going to face a bit of a problem if they want to buy one of these new Nanos.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell hot. portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign. nevermind50. Apr 5, 02:41 PM
  • portal 2 chell hot. portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign. nevermind50. Apr 5, 02:41 PM

  • They are the foundation of everything in the pop & rock world with a reach way outside of just pop & rock. Like Zepplin or Pink Floyd? You like the Beatles. Like Coldplay or Eminem or Devil Wears Prada or Pat Metheny or whatever ... you like the Beatles.

    not really. If I like Pink Floyd, I like Pink Floyd...not the Beatles.

    Saying I like Apples doesn't = I like oranges...though both are fruit.

    the Beatles are talented, but tired. That was my point.
    I know everyone loves them, and I also know that everyone loves the familiar...but, uh, there's loads better new music from this century and I think it would be nice to let a dead dog lay.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

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    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • ...all they have to do is limit the control granted via the card..

    What? How to do that? This is likely a buffer overflow exploit where a small part of the driver gets overwritten with hacker-incerted code, this code then runs inside the kernel at that point nothing can be done.

    They will have to fix the defect that alowed the buffer to overflow. No other option.

    This really shows the value of Open Source. So many peopl have loked for this type of stuff in Linux and other OSes that I'm sure most of it is been found and fixed but closed souce drivers are so hard to examine that there could be a hundred more of these waiting to be discovered.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • I bet tickets are being scalped alongside iPad 2s now :p

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • I assume you mean headless tower since all the iMacs and the MAC Mini are desktops......... Oh wait, isn't the MAC Pro a headless tower?

    Mac, not MAC. They're different things.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • The delays were actually a good thing for me. Gave me time to "cool off" and realize that my iPad 1 is working just fine for me, and I can get along without upgrading to this generation.

    LOL! That's precisely why the "limited supply" iPad2 launch was such a fiasco. You impulse buyers couldn't pull the trigger. Seriously... were this any other company other than Apple at least top 3 execs would have had their asses thrown out the door.

    As an aside... my local Wal-Mart has had iPad2's for 2 weeks now. I've been there at least 3 times a week and they're always in stock.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Android tablets are proving to be better then Apple's iPad

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • This Constitutional issue is something of a moot point... Congress has only declared war FIVE times in the history of the country (the War of 1812, Mexican-American, Spanish-American, WWs I&II). There are 125 occasions where the President has acted with no approval from Congress. Also, the War Powers Resolution is essentially valid, as it has never been tested by courts.

    In my personal view, I'm fine with the president being able to enact a limited amount of military action, as long as there are no long-term liabilities for the country. Congress is so juvenile, inefficient, and bitchy that I'm fine with not having to rely on them every time there is a clear humanitarian need to act.


    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • I got CS5 Master collection like less than a year ago for $1200...WTF? Now they want me to pay $500 for another upgrade??? WHAT TO THE F!!!???

    Yup. Adobe like to take money from you.

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Adobe flash... HA!

    The wizards at Apple can't even make a mobile device that will run that load of crap. I hope that crap-ware never makes it into any IOS based products.

    Considering it runs like crap on Android from what I have read there is no way as long as steve is around that will go in an iOS.


    Use Skyfire if you really need it I sure don't miss Flash. :D

    portal 2 chell redesign. portal 2 chell redesign.
  • portal 2 chell redesign.

  • Yes but it does clearly state Core 2 Duo in the product name and the release date of 13th November, they could have just copied the spec of the existing one as they are unsure of the new spec. What is telling is the date, they obviously expect it to happen on the 13th

    :confused: that wasn't the point

    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/29/ios-5-to-offer-significant-voice-integration-fall-iphone-5-launch-opens-door-to-lte/)

    TechCrunch has posted another lengthy report (http://techcrunch.com/2011/03/28/apples-big-fall/) detailing what it is hearing about Apple's plans for the fifth-generation iPhone and iOS 5, now both rumored for release closer to a "fall" timeframe than the traditional June/July timeframe seen in past years.

    Perhaps the most notable information comes at the end of the article, revealing that sources have said that Apple's April 2010 acquisition (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/28/apple-purchases-iphone-personal-assistant-company-siri/) of personal assistant software company Siri is set to bear fruit in the form of "deeply integrated" artificial intelligence (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/01/steve-jobs-on-siri-acquired-for-artificial-intelligence-technology-not-search/) and voice control for iOS 5, a change that could potentially transform the way iOS devices are used.A year ago, Apple bought Siri, a virtual personal assistant startup that had released a very cool iPhone app. The Siri team and technology are now said to be a big part of iOS 5.

    The use of Siri's artificial intelligence and assistance technology is said to be deeply integrated into the OS for all the different services offered. And the team is now putting the finishing touches on the elements that will be demoed at WWDC, we hear. This tech may also be opened to developers for use in third-party apps - though that information isn't quite as concrete.The report also notes that a fall release for new iPhone hardware provides Apple with additional time to incorporate LTE 4G capabilities, speculating that a desire to add LTE may even be the reason for the shift in release schedule compared to past years.TechCrunch contributor Steve Cheney (who nailed the timing of the Verizon iPhone last year), believes that a fall iPhone 5 launch makes LTE much more likely. He currently puts the odds at zero to ten percent for LTE if the iPhone 5 launched this summer (again, not happening), 50 percent if it comes in the fall, and 100 percent if it comes in January.

    A fall timeframe would give Apple a more vetted and lower power Qualcomm chip for LTE, Cheney says. When the Verizon iPhone was unveiled in January, Apple COO Tim Cook addressed the LTE issue directly. "The first generation LTE chipsets force some design compromises. Some of which we would not make," he said. If Cheney is right, that may not be such an issue later this year.The report notes that Apple waited to adopt 3G technology until is had significantly matured, opting to release the original iPhone as an EDGE-only device despite relatively widespread 3G coverage available at the time. But at that time the iPhone was a completely new concept for smartphones setting the stage to remake the industry regardless of whether it was an EDGE or 3G device. In the much larger and much more competitive smartphone market today, Android devices are already moving to LTE and Apple may not wish to wait until mid-2012 to introduce its own LTE iPhone.

    Article Link: iOS 5 to Offer Significant Voice Integration? Fall iPhone 5 Launch Opens Door to LTE? (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/29/ios-5-to-offer-significant-voice-integration-fall-iphone-5-launch-opens-door-to-lte/)


    megapixel wars are so 2003

    So, enough with this buy American or MADE IN USA stuff. It's all about money and that will be made wherever it's FREE from too many taxes, restrictions and regulations.

    I know what you mean, all those restrictions and regulations prohibiting the dumping of chemicals in the rivers and poison gasses into the air or killing endangered animals. And the worst is that one about not being able to use slaves. And having to pay for medical costs it someone is injured. So his hand got smashed in a machine, why can't I just fire him for it?

    Just how is a guy to make a buck in the US anymore?

    New Chassis for MAC PRO please..

    Ok, mines crashing everytime on the gapless playback scan.. Grrr

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