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  • Pretty Brown Eyes Makeup

  • Very well written post that completely recaps the whole situation!

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  • How to apply makeup for rown

  • It's ridiculous that iOS hasn't already had this enabled - having to crawl back to my Mac to update my phone or iPad is just a total pain....oh, and let's have some wireless sync while we're at it. Get rid of that horrendously ugly, easily broken and filled with fluff connector once and for all. It's just nasty and Mr Ive and his people must hate having to include it.

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  • blonde hair rown eyes makeup.

  • Is it just me, or a 24" iMac would've been nice to show on stage with whatever that "Showtime" thing might be? That would, at least, have made some sense to at least start by showing that.

    Which means the september 12th presentation must be really packed with new stuff if they couldn't even announce the 24" iMac at that event. They've also bumped the CPUs on the Mac mini today, so that makes two updates on the same day too.

    It's also weird to see new releases on a wednesday...

    ...why do people keep thinking it's so weird?

    It was Labor Day on Monday. Apple ALWAYS has Wednesday updates on holiday-weeks.

    Although if you're not from the U.S....I could see why it would be weird...

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  • I have pretty dark rown eyes

  • Hye guy if you are a registered student and go to anywell known school you get a discount on ipods year round as well as any other apple product.

    That was the whole point of the initial complaint. I actually came to the defense of forum member who was complaining about no student discounts and someone told them to "get a grip" for expecting a student discount.

    If you log into an Apple edu site you will notice that there is no edu discount on any of the new models of iPods. It seem to me that Apple wouldn't want to alienate a market as important to iPods as students but I guess I was wrong. Cool isn't cool if the MTV crowd doesn't rubber stamp it.

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  • blonde hair rown eyes makeup.

  • I would suggest that Apple implement some quality control for their MacBook line, but we all know what happens when they do. ;) :rolleyes:
    Because better quality control would have caught a hardware design error that doesn't happen to every MacBook and took 3 months (and several hundred thousand sold) to become prevalent?

    The MacBook Pro and MacBook are Apple's first two attempts at notebooks using an entirely new architecture inside (Intel). Add to that the entirely new everything else that the MacBook got, and frankly I'm impressed that the RSS and case discoloration have been the only two issues.

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  • Well, the title says it all. I had to reinstall the app. I got the error "not enough memory" everytime I started iTunes.

    So refrain from doing the same mistake and keep waiting for an upgrade of UNO.

    So long...

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  • Smokey Eye Makeup Brown Eyes.

  • He didn't really say that either.

    "You're always fighting things that are opposed to each other. As an example, take the PlayStation 3. It's a great game machine, but it's not such a great music player. There are many reasons for that, but the biggest reason is that it doesn't fit in your pocket, does it? Games need nice big screens. Music players need to fit in your pocket. So you have to pick one and optimize for it, and the second thing you do will certainly be suboptimal. Maybe you can do it, but it will be suboptimal.

    So you can do video on these devices if you want to, but the things that are suboptimal about it are the screen size and the battery life�things like that. The fundamental problem here is...Headphones are a miraculous thing. You put on a pair of headphones and you get the same experience as with a great pair of speakers. Well, there's no such thing as headphones for video. There's not something I can carry with me�something I can put on�that will give me the same experience that I get when I'm watching my 50-inch plasma display at home. And until somebody invents that, you're going to have these opposing constraints."

    Makes it sound like no video ipod, and yet he released one just a couple months later, even though the big constraints he listed hadn't been eliminated.

    Well, battery life jumped dramatically in the 5th gen iPods (and again in 5.5G). And when Steve debuted the video store the iPod was one device to display that video on, not the only one. Contrast paying $9.99 for a video which will play quite well on your iPod as well as on your 23" or 30" Mac screen, to paying a friggin' premium to buy the same movie on UMD (likewise without the extra features) that can only be watched on a little 3" screen in your hand, period.

    If the industry hadn't been touting the ability to buy movies just for your portable device, this would be a classic straw man argument: knock down the stupidest possible use for a device in order to tarnish the whole device. But, it wasn't straw-man, because that's exactly what Sony was trying to sell, and what the cell phone makers were trying to sell! Steve's blessed with straw man competitors!

    Likewise, you see here Jobs knocking down what you'd think, had you been on a desert island the past three months, to be an obvious straw-man. Obviously trying to pick up chicks by flashing them your music library from across the room is only a half step removed from flashing anonymous strangers on the street. It's just a plain stupid idea, two steps beyond the border into creepytown, and by far not the best use of a wireless connection between two portable devices. And, worse, we know from experience that it'll be clunky as well as creepy because Microsoft's idea of an "easy" connection process typically involves three "simple" 200-word dialogs, a click-through EULA promising you'll only listen to the shared song alone and get the permission of Major League Baseball prior to letting anyone else listen in, and a "minor" virus infection. But, this disaster is what Microsoft has been touting!

    IMHO, Steve Jobs is a marketing genius because he's able to see the obvious flaws in other companies' marketing pitches, and likewise able to hide the obvious flaws in his own. All of which is to say that, yes, when Apple adds wireless capabilities to their iPod I have little doubt it will have me drooling. They have a track record of that, which is backed by a rather solid track record of actually delivering on the drool-worthy product. I doubt, however, that Steve will be going around telling lonely geeks that iPod wireless music sharing will get them a date with the hot chick at the club.

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  • Japanese Eyes Makeup.

  • I bought 10 out of those 2,000,000 songs

    I'm in for two of them.

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  • blonde hair rown eyes makeup.

  • Here's my setup as of today! Sorry about the image quality, took the photo with my iPhone as my brother has stole my camera for the weekend. I'll post a better quality image when I get it back.

    The Xbox and Win7 PC are for Gaming and Media and my MacBook is for work!

    makeup looks for brown eyes. blonde hair rown eyes makeup.
  • blonde hair rown eyes makeup.

  • interesting file size for the iP4!

    666 megs for me. iP4.

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  • I think it would be nice for short stories, I don�t think I could finish a novel on an iPod

    makeup looks for brown eyes. Slideshow: Brown Eyes Makeup
  • Slideshow: Brown Eyes Makeup

  • I'm sure the next major update (as major as 9.0 --> OS X) will have a new naming scheme. "Eleven" does not lend itself well to marketing unless Spinal Tap's your thing.

    How bout "OSean's Eleven" ;)

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  • look amazing on rown eyes

  • After our vacation to safari in Kenya, we flew our safari driver to America because he seemed very fascinated with america. One of the first things he noticed was "why are all the violent crimes on the media by blacks?"Did you notice how he put it? "On the media"?

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  • She wears her makeup style so

  • Sweet! Free battery, Apple's battery mfr picks up the tab. Plus mine is what... three years old and half dead? Apparently not a big fire risk. :p

    makeup looks for brown eyes. This is probably my last look
  • This is probably my last look

  • People of low socioeconomic status are much more likely to be exposed to and take part in violence

    Blacks are disproportionately low-SES individuals. Then the question would be why are blacks more likely to be low-SES individuals, since that would explain the increased likelihood of violence.

    There appear to be two options. First, if equal opportunity is assumed, one conclusion would be that blacks are inherently unable or unwilling to take advantage of those opportunities to collectively improve their SES. The second option would be that the opportunities are not actually equal.

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  • Bronzed look with orange lips

  • The world is already 3D, and let me say, its a crap and sad vision.
    Its enough.

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  • eye makeup brown eyes. blue

  • Sadly I don't think the 1G nanos will get them. Remember when the video and nano came out, with the stopclock, security lock, etc? The previous iPods didn't get an update :(.
    There was an iPod update on my 5G today, but it was only for games and bug fixes:(

    makeup looks for brown eyes. It looks perfect for rown
  • It looks perfect for rown

  • Steve looks unhealthy. He's not as sharp as he used to be. His keynotes were flawless. He stuttered several times, forgot what he was saying in mid sentence, and handed a considerable amount of the keynote to other people. Steve was a control freak in past WWDC keynotes.

    I think he may be in not-so-good health. But I've said that before.

    He was probably up all night worried about how Apple has to restate their earnings. And Stevo is a big part of the SEC's probe.

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  • bobbi rown

  • The pricing was taken off a Canadian website. Are these Canadian Dollar prices? If so, expect the US Dollar prices to be somewhat lower.

    My 13" Whitebook is literally falling apart. Im buying a new 13" Pro as soon as its updated

    What happened to it?

    Well, I FINALLY got it to go through, only to have it say that my serial numbers aren't affected. Which, according to their page, they are. Looks like Apple has some work to do...

    I'm hoping for wireless syncing with iTunes as well. The less I have to connect via a cable, the better.

    Agree. I think the iPhone should be an independent device with the benefit of having access to the iTunes ecosystem.

    so is a paperweight with drivers a computer?


    Apple is at the core a software company.

    No, Apple is a hardware company that develops the OS that runs on its hardware.

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