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  • On the same lines, one of my relative was also denied entry into the US at the Mineapolis airport. She is a widow, 70 years of age, and used to come here to visit her only son and daughter-in-law and their son, since last 6 years. She used to stay for 6 months during the summer time (April to Oct.) and then 6 months in India. But this time when she came here they denied her entry suggesting that you have a pattern of staying here since last 6-7 years at the same time of the year, so you are doing something illegal!!!!......

    Now how can one explain this???....70 years of age, a widow and her only son and daughter-in-law earning together earning atleast 6 figure income, a house of their own.....never went out of status, never extendend her stay beyond 6 months.......doing something illegal? and that too they said that they 'suspect'! proof whatsoever.....but according to law, she had to go back....this sucks big big time.

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  • Here is the format that you need. I got this from my attorney.


    I, __________________________, certify to the following:
    1. I was born on ___________, 19___, in the town of ___________________ and country of ________________________. I am _____ years of age. I am currently residing at __________________________________________________ _______________________.
    2. ________________________________ was born to _________________________ and _________________________ on _______________ in ____________________.

    3. The above facts are within my personal knowledge because _________________ is my _____________(uncle, cousin, friend, etc.), and I was present at the time of said birth.

    Dated: ______________, 200_ _____________________________
    Subscribed and sworn to before me this
    ________ day of ___________, 200_
    at ________________________________.
    My commission expires ___________, 200_

    ___________________________ ________________________
    Notary Public Official Seal

    Thank you Mr. apk1928.

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  • Not really .... My brother worked in India for 3 years and worked here in US for 5 years before moving back to India and he is earning good too.

    Salary for any job depends on lot of factors. How one negotiates is a key factor.

    Cool how did he find the job, did he go through a recruiter from here or did he first land there and then search for a job?

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  • hey thx a lot for the info....but can she work in those 180 days?

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    According to the illustrious director of uscis, Mr Emilio Gonzalez, the backlog reduction centers have made rapid progress. In feb 2004, form i140 took 11 months to clear, but as of july 2006, there are zero, i repeat 0 backlogs. It is awesome that he is focusing on the positive, but I would also like to know is how many hundreds of thousands are waiting for their first stage labor to clear.

    This is crazy. How come am waiting for my I-140 since May 15, 2006

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    BTW, what's scary about this memo..

    Infact, I find it encouraging, that TSC is trying to facilitate the process one way or other, given their system deficiency.

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  • Strive is our big chance, let us not lose out on this

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  • Some folks are disappointed with the latest bulletin? Well, what else were you expecting?
    And why should you care? One of IV's goals is to abolish retrogression and take away all the glamor associated with priority dates and visa bulletins! So, wake up if you haven't already... join your state chapter, and become an active member!

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  • Just an advice, please do not accept 1099 from your consulting company. I had the experience and paid a lot more in tax at the end of the year than I would have paid in W2 as 1099 is considered as business income. You'll be paying more taxes than W2.
    So always stick to W2 when you are getting your salary from your consulting company. If Consulting company is paying you in 1099, then they do not pay Payroll taxes on your salary and thus save money. If they are paying you in w2, which they are supposed to(you being on H1), they have to pay payroll taxes themselves.

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  • In the similar boat.. I received sms/email on 13th that 485 has been approved but have not received any welcome/approval letter till date. I am on H1b. It has expired and I don't have Advance Parole also. I need to travel urgently in first week of June 2011. I was thinking of getting my H1b stamped during the trip, but since that's not possible what are my options???
    I called my lawyers office but really didn't get any sound reply... seems like that lost interest once I told them I am not filing EAD/AP and GC is approved

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  • IV had done so much to me, donation is the least thing I can do.
    Thanks IV!:D

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  • THIS PROCESS IS CALLED DEFERRED INSPECTION - no need to go out of the country

    In the below link find the site/airport closest to your current address.

    Call up the phone number in the link and fix an appointment.
    Go with Old Passport, new passport and all visa documents and I -94

    Explain the situation to the officer and he/she should be able to rectify at the time of appointment.
    Officer will put the new date on the existing I -94 and update the system and on the card itself. No new I - 94 will be issued.

    Yes, Krishna_brc is correct. A friend of mine got his I-94 issue fixed by following the above process.


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  • Thanks for your replies.

    My original H1 expired last week. And I do have EAD. But need to bring my spouse in few months on H4. So can i use my EAD while H1 MTR is filed. And then go back on H1.

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  • Hello,

    Respectfully, but Yinzak is incorrect. While working for a law office, we researched the issue for a client. There is a memo issued by uscis many years ago. There is NOTHING in INA that says that a person on H-1B visa or status can't attend college and the memo states that as long as attendance to college is "incidental" to the H-1B, not a problem. As such, if a person Maintains H-1B employment, and all the H-1B requirements continue to exist, one can attend college part of full time. In fact, some colleges offer in-state tuition for H-1B applicants. Changing to F-1 is impossible because of immigrant intent showed by GC petition pending for this person.

    Brooklyn college is one that offers in-state tuition for H-1s and does not require change in status at all.

    Thanks for information.
    So are you saying, the employer need not pay me, while I'm full time in school.
    1. How does it effect H1B status.
    2. OK, I'm willing to loose H1B status, but can be on EAD. Is that ok, and not work anywhere.
    3. I'll convince my employer about this option, and he will in 90% case will say that he'll still sponsor GC.

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  • Amit's call starts at 13:00 minute of the program if you want to skip and listen directly to his message.

    I'd encourage people to listen to the whole program it is overall good -- Jennifer Ludden also talks about the frustration of waiting and losing one's edge while we wait.

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  • Hello,

    What type of camera are you looking for?

    Point-and-shoot or a dSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex).

    The Sony Cybershoot is just your average P&S camera, small, light and compact.

    A dSLR for example, like the Nikon D40 or the Canon EOS 350D are dSLR type and are much bigger in size but deliver alot higher quality images.

    Nikon D40

    Canon EOS 350D

    What is your price budget too?

    here is the link for the cyber-shot y was looking for
    i know sony also have dslr cameras, but this cyber-shot is pretty much like a dslr and it's affordable. $600 budget

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  • Thank You for your comments.

    I didn't receive any confirmation from USCIS regarding interfiling.
    Interfiling was submitted on Jan15th - On Feb 15th my case status was updated as "Denial Notice Sent"

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  • Any ideas? (My wife and son are in india now).
    Anyway, I will support IV wholeheartedly going forward. Of course, I got benefitted from it. I am a long timer, 2001, EB3.


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  • I am not really sure why this really makes a difference. My perm was approved in EB3 in about 7 months but if I have to wait 30 years to get a GC what difference does it make ?!?

    It makes a difference to me as I'm already in the 6th year.

    Great find! I printed and posted it my office.

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