armor hero

armor hero. armor hero. armor hero tv3
  • armor hero. armor hero tv3

  • it does not even make sense to put a phone there, since when can phones do RSS? Its just really fishy tt it is placed alongside the ipod and itunes.

    armor hero. armor hero. the dcu use armor
  • armor hero. the dcu use armor

  • Not of itself no - but imo a remastered collection will sell millions. How many fans, old and new, will shell out again to hear them?
    really? I am skeptical.
    Unless like I said a whole package with a very attractive price. Hopefully with a bitrate better than 128.

    armor hero. armored hero is finally
  • armored hero is finally

  • First off, I don't think there will be an iPhone with LTE until 2012. The reason being is that the battery life will suck and there will not be enough coverage for most people.

    Second, would you rather have an iPhone 4 or a new LTE iPhone with crappy battery life? I'll take the iPhone 4 all day long.

    armor hero. armor (hero of Crysis 1),
  • armor (hero of Crysis 1),

  • In case you guys were wondering (I had to search around a little), the res on the 24"er is 1900x1200.
    1920 x 1200 - so it's 1080i/p compatible....

    armor hero. Genuine Armor Hero – Light
  • Genuine Armor Hero – Light

  • I don't think it necessarily has to be touch-enabled, or come in form of any type of hardware.

    I am using a lot of apps on my iPhone by now that I really miss on my MacBook... Sometimes I would really like to start one of these iOS Apps in Mac OS to check something quickly...

    They should make some kind of iTunes-integrated Simulator that allows you to start your iOS Apps directly from your Apps section within iTunes or something...

    That would be really nice ;)

    armor hero. armored hero franchise.
  • armored hero franchise.

  • Each Sunday I'm going to try to take a wide angle shot of some of the more interesting rooms in my church. The main building was an old mansion with some pretty interesting architecture. Some of the rooms have murals along the tops of the walls. This one is the basement which was a summer parlor and decorated as an English tavern. Those are beer drinking carvings on either side. The floor is Venetian tile. (

    armor hero. armor hero. armor hero movie
  • armor hero. armor hero movie

  • Not like anyone would want to see me run around my complex naked, but I don't think we will ever see a phone out of Apple, especially at WWDC.

    And no Conroe in iMac. Evar. ;)

    I also doubt we'll be seeing a phone, but anything's possible with Apple.

    Nobody was really expecting this (, remember?

    armor hero. armor hero
  • armor hero

  • Here is some more details

    News Source: Canada has released pricing for Windows Vista. Windows Vista Ultimate is listed at $499 Canadian which translates into $450.36 in USD. Home Premium is listed at $299 or $269.86 USD, Vista Ultimate Upgrade is priced at $299 or $269.86 USD, while Home Premium Upgrade is $199 or $179.60 USD.. has all prices online for pre-order. They've also listed a launch date, which apparently is January 30th, 2007.

    Edition Regular Price Additional License Upgrade Price Additional License
    Ultimate $399.00 $359.00 $259.00 $233.00
    Business $299.00 $269.00 $199.95 $179.00
    Home Premium $239.00 $215.00 $159.00 $143.00
    Home Basic $199.00 $179.00 $99.95 $89.95

    Anyone know the UK pricing?

    armor hero. New weapons and armor. Hero
  • New weapons and armor. Hero

  • ...Actually it's the smug attitude of so many Mac owners that makes them such satisfying targets. You reap what you sow. I've been using Macs since 1984 (and PCs about as long) and Mac users get on my nerves sometimes.

    Um, hello?

    You've been using Macs since their inception, therefore you are a Mac user, who is according to you a smug and satisfying target.

    Maybe, not all Mac users are the same monolithic group.

    armor hero. armor hero
  • armor hero

  • I dislike Rand's implication that the libyans fighting could be "terrorists". It's unesscessary given the situation they are in. But I see no reason why the US gov should be in involved. There are always people that could be saved from death whether it's by massacre or disease or whatever it doesn't mean that it falls on the us tax payers to fix it. People who want the US to become entrenched in another war this should pick up a gun and go fight it themselves. It's only a no fly zone now but time will tell.....

    armor hero. armor hero xt
  • armor hero xt

  • Good lord people. Watch the video for crying out loud. Why would you stick a usb or firewire or whatever kind of card like this is into a MacBook? It already comes with a card for free right inside!

    Now, what would have been more impressive, is if this guy would have attacked the MacBook straight up as ALL PEOPLE USING A MACBOOK WOULD BE USING IT.

    Criminy. Is the world really this hung up on trying to blast a hole into Apple's products?

    This guy is just sour that he ain't in Vegas.

    armor hero. armor hero movie
  • armor hero movie

  • Sometime I wonder if people actually use the products they talk about here.

    The Rolling Stones have been in the iTunes music store for over a year. The currently have over 59 albums there and a new ep was released, I'm Free, just a couple of weeks ago.

    Frank Zappa was on iTunes last summer and has since been removed. It was basically the albums that RYKODisc had re-mastered and released. There appears to be something going on with the Zappa Family Trust and RYKODisc over the rights.

    Led Zepplin has never appeared on iTunes. However, Radio Head was on for a short time, but everyone who like Radio Head has already bought their one good album, The Bends.

    Strange. I could have sworn I'd heard the Rolling Stones weren't on iTunes yet. Personally I HATE them, that's why I never checked.

    Any other musicians not in the iTunes music store yet?

    armor hero. armor hero
  • armor hero

  • The guys at Bungie have finally posted ALL of the playlist changes that are coming tomorrow (Oct. 5, 2010). Mostly just reorganizing of playlists and things like that, but some gametype adjustments as well. So, if you had something that was bugging you, check the list and see if it has been addressed. They've said that a more comprehensive update will be coming later in the month, but this should clean up much of the early quirks and problems. Here is the full list....


    Rumble Pit
    * Added Crazy King
    * Added Juggernaut
    * Removed Oddball on Asylum

    Team Slayer
    * Removed SWAT
    * Removed Classic
    * Weights adjusted based on voting data

    Team SWAT (New!)
    * Based on existing Team Slayer SWAT offering
    * Removed Hemorrhage
    * Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant

    Team Objective
    * Added Crazy King
    * Added several gametypes on Powerhouse (CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Crazy King, 3 Plots)
    * Removed heavy vehicles from all 4v4 Team Objective gametypes

    Big Team Battle
    * Added Crazy King
    * Removed SWAT
    * Removed Snipers from Boneyard
    * Weights adjusted based on voting data

    Doubles Arena
    * Removed Slayer Pro for Season 2
    * Removed Boardwalk
    * Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant

    Team Arena
    * Removed Slayer Pro for Season 2
    * Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant


    Arena Zealot (New!)
    * Added a softkill zone to the space area
    * Modified initial spawns so enemies cannot see each other

    * Objects can no longer be dropped into the boot_base

    * Removed multiple duplicate Headhunter score zones

    * Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand
    * Objects can no longer come to rest on the out of bounds cliff behind the scaffolding where the Invasion core is captured
    * Players can no longer sit in the out of bounds area under the ship scaffolding

    * Health Packs should not respawn after 15 seconds

    * Landmine removed from Red team's west cliff
    * Respawn time for all Mongoose vehicles is now 45 seconds
    * Scorpions replaced with Wraiths (4 minute respawn)

    * Respawn timer for Concussion Rifle at Red base is now 30 seconds to match Concussion Rifle at Blue base

    * Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand

    * Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand

    * Respawn timer for all Needler weapons is now 45 seconds


    Global Changes
    * Slayer DMR now has motion tracker enabled
    * Evade has replaced Hologram for all gametypes in which players can hold objects (CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Oddball)
    * Evade has replaced Dropshield for gametypes which create concentrated gameplay in specific areas (Crazy King, Territories, Oddball)
    * All Classic gametypes should now include Sprint as default equipment

    King of the Hill
    * Teams are now always able to correctly score points
    * Players standing in the hill no longer receive extra points upon returning from a host migration

    Rocket Race
    * Players now attached to vehicles after being on foot for 10 seconds
    * Flipped vehicles will be detected to prevent players from attaching to a non-upright vehicle
    * Added functionality for tracking and reporting rotations
    * Fountain of Mongeese should no longer be possible (don't ask)
    * Players are no longer able to jack another teams Mongoose
    * Players are no longer forced into a specific role of driver or gunner
    * All players start with a Rocket Launcher
    * Players move at 50% speed, do dignificantly reduced damage and are marked with a nav icon
    * Players on foot are now able to score points in Rocket Race

    * The Juggernaut no longer sees other players as allies upon returning from a host migration
    * New clients after a host migration will no longer lose their Juggernaut status

    * All teams now have separate capture timers for each territory
    * Locked territories will no longer prevent players from using equipment
    * The flag in the territory is now attached if the territory is a flag stand object
    * Added a HUD_Widget to display contested status to players inside a territory
    * The progress bar for a territory will now show as full when that territory is being contested (capture progress is saved and will appear again once the territory is no longer contested)
    * Random flag clothes will no longer disappear after a round transition

    * Bombs in Hot Potato now properly report carry time
    * Multiple hot potato bombs will no longer spawn in the same location
    * The carry time reported stat will now always be correct after a host migration has occurred
    * Players carrying the oddball during a host migration will no longer receive extra points

    * All stockpile flags are now attached to their spawn location if it is a flag stand

    * The game score is now set per frame tick based off of the current phase
    * A failsafe game end timer has been added to catch any possible bad cases of Invasion games not ending properly

    Invasion: Boneyard
    * The core will now reset whenever it is thrown through a shield door into a spawning location in Phase 3

    Invasion (Assault) and Assault
    * Added sudden death to Invasion (Assault) and Assault gametypes

    * Players who die before the first checkpoint will no longer spawn in a random location on the map

    armor hero. armor hero 2
  • armor hero 2

  • I am 73 years old, I live in Rogers, AR as does my daughter. My daughter is a Walmart employee! She does not have a mustache! The preceding remark is, in my opinion, unnecessary, cruel and sexist.

    There is a great deal about Wal Mart to depise but none of them justify such a gatuitous attack on women, many of whom are single parents, that work hard there to support their families.:(

    :( If it makes you feel any better, I slashed the tires of a guy the other day who was wearing a "I support single mothers" t-shirt with a silhouette of a stripper pole-dancing.

    armor hero. Armor Hero Emperor 11
  • Armor Hero Emperor 11

  • I'm not sure if my macbook's shutdown apply to the ones being discussed, but I suppose that's my question. I received my macbook in early september, and within a week it started to freeze the screen intermittently, and after a few days became more and more frequent. BUT THEN it started giving me kernel panics often. Both issues built up until I was having to shut down my computer 7+ times in a day. These were all random occurrences with no links to running certain programs, etc. I sent it in to AppleCare and they replaced the HD (after I had already wiped it, reinstalled, and the problem started again). After a couple weeks of getting my serviced macbook back, the problem has started again from the start, starting slow and then happening 7+ times in a day. AppleCare has told me that there is nothing they can do until the problem becomes increasingly worse, to the point that they can reproduce the problem easily. This is very upsetting, since with the very consistent progression of these kernel panics (and freezes) will land right around my midterms....ANYONE have ANY suggestions here? I don't even know if this is in relation to the random shutdowns you're talking about... But I'm desperate here.

    armor hero. Armor Hero the Movie
  • Armor Hero the Movie

  • With all the resources they have been putting into Leopard and iPhone, do you think apple has any manpower left to produce new product? though i'd like to think 'yes'
    anyway, i wish they give us more hint than just 'something in the air', it sounds like it could be anything :)

    armor hero. armor hero xt
  • armor hero xt

  • (ahem) There IS a difference. Photoshop is far more advanced that Pixelmator for P-R-O-F-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L work. It has a deeper set of tools and features available. Why do you think it's expensive? For one, it has many plug-ins and filters built in that come from third party developers.

    I've been using Photoshop — professionally — for about 16 years. In that time I've seen the cost of technology dramatically drop. I've seen lots of open source software hit the market. And yet, Adobe still wants me to pay $600 for what I see as bloat.

    Photoshop has better layer effects, and better type control. But other than that, I think Pixelmator is pretty solid. (I haven't had to worry about the CMYK color space in years. HA!) The quartz filters are fun. I like the speed and lightweight footprint of the app. I like how Pixelmator handles certain tools... like the Magic Wand.

    Pixelmator is a nice application and does things pretty close to what Photoshop does, but only to a certain degree with a ceiling limit. For $29 bucks, you're only getting what you get in Pixelmator, nothing more. Photoshop, however is a very demanding program that takes up a lot of RAM and a learning curve.

    With Pixelmator, I should be automatically getting an upgrade... version 2.0 for free.

    (It jumped to $59.99 though. It looks like the lower price is gone.)

    I've been using brushes, layers, blends, filters, color correction... I'm very happy with the software. I have CS4 Design Premium on my PC. If it was so much better, I could simply turn on my PC.

    Sure, if you work at like a Printshop or design house, it's like expected to have Adobe products. I don't have that problem. I can pick alternatives. Between iWork and Pixelmator, I've eliminated the need for a lot of expensive software that I used to use on my PC. I wanted to move CS4 over to my Mac, but that would have been $600. So instead, I got Pixelmator and iWork.

    armor hero. armor hero games. jmsait19
  • armor hero games. jmsait19

  • a new black one?.. yeah.... :cool:

    I would too, but I'm just warning whoever posted the price that 700 bucks would be very low for the computer.

    armor hero. ARMOR HERO anime figure
  • ARMOR HERO anime figure

  • I really hope this is not true. 3D is the last thing I want in an iPad.

    Wonderful post! So the more "professional" editors we see getting "pissy" means the opposite of what one might think.

    You mean i can't add unlimited tracks as i need to make my timelines look so complex that my clients quiver in the awesomeness of my brilliance.

    The point that everyone is trying to make is that the end result is based on skill and telling the story. FCP may help that but a retard using FCP will make no better of a film than using movie maker.

    Adobe flash... HA!

    The wizards at Apple can't even make a mobile device that will run that load of crap. I hope that crap-ware never makes it into any IOS based products.

    Considering it runs like crap on Android from what I have read there is no way as long as steve is around that will go in an iOS.

    Use Skyfire if you really need it I sure don't miss Flash. :D

    You can save a little money by buying the box set on CD from Amazon, but then your music is in that old-fashioned "hard-copy" format so you have to rip the music to iTunes! :)

    Amazon also sells the mono collection, which I've been contemplating but haven't yet purchased.

    Got it.Love it.And the stereo box,and the memory stick with the complete stereo box in MP3(or is it AAC..or both?)AND FLAC-the highest quality ever released.

    Adobe flash... HA!

    The wizards at Apple can't even make a mobile device that will run that load of crap. I hope that crap-ware never makes it into any IOS based products.

    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?

    Why would you want to download instead of using iTunes. It will download and install the right update file for each device. No worries. Based on the varying file sizes being reported here, there are obviously different builds for each device.

    It takes 20 mins + per download so if I can update both ipads using the same download that saves 30 mins or so of my night. Done one ipad, downloading iphone software now, then going to try second ipad (the missus' one!).

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