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  • Warhammer40k 2

  • G5 PowerBook. Wife said no......

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40000 iPhone
  • Warhammer 40000 iPhone

  • come on, I said I was 5 :rolleyes:


    Yeah and Look what that Tie that Yellow Ribbon started.....:D

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War
  • Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War

  • All this moral discussion about stealing a 1500,- bucks suite of software is pretty ridiculous if you put it into a relation to the billions of dollars/euros stolen from our tax money by the private central banks.

    If a corporation steals billions that's ok, but if someone pirates a single piece of software that's theft.

    The same rules should apply to everyone.

    Btw, I have only legit software on my computer.

    my point exactly...

    I really don't get all the wankers here with all there high morals about downloading is steeling. It aint steeling, and if it was i wouldn't feel one single bit of guilt...i'm getting robed here everyday by the government, at work, hell i'm even getting robed buying grocery's...why should i be the idiot paying for something i can get for free...and don't start the "people are losing their jobs if you don't buy it" if they do than they should get in line. Here's an idea... maybe the CEO's could spare a few of their billions to help the staff out and make them keep their job...


    warhammer 40k wallpapers. I#39;m A Warhammer 40k fan.
  • I#39;m A Warhammer 40k fan.

  • The only way waiting until September for the iPhone 5 will be worth it for me, is if it is LTE.

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Game
  • Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Game

  • Actually, here's a link (http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/provider/providerarticle.asp?Feed=OBR&Date=20060824&ID=5969723).

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. High resolution wallpapers can
  • High resolution wallpapers can

  • Upgrading to 2GB from the 2.0Ghz model seems like a waste since you'll have to throw away perfectly good DIMMS. I hate when Apple forces one to upgrade RAM along with higher priced specs.

    No need to throw them away. There is a thing called Ebay out there ;)

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40K Campes on MMO
  • Warhammer 40K Campes on MMO

  • 2nd iPad here I come.

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. warhammer 40k chaos titan by
  • warhammer 40k chaos titan by

  • Apple needs to step up to the plate with ios5. The iPhone as it is, is good enough for most punters. Tweaking the hardware won't make a huge difference. Ipad2 a perfect example, nice upgrade but not essential. iOS is beginning to look a little dated and needs a major update rather than a few tweaks

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Not really a wallpaper,
  • Not really a wallpaper,

  • It would be great to have the beatles on itunes this way. although i'm not a fan nor a hippie. :(

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. DakkaDakka - Warhammer 40K
  • DakkaDakka - Warhammer 40K

  • I hope this is true!!!

    How is Sony's track record with sensors though?
    Let's go Fall! (Not even WWDC ;))

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Dawn of War wallpaper 1024 x
  • Dawn of War wallpaper 1024 x

  • Still, this is a very nice machine, probaby the best iBook ever. The C2D is so powerful compared to the G4 it's mind boggling.What's worse, it's more powerful than my dual G5 tower. And my machine is only 2 years old! Same with my 12" PowerBook. All in all, for what I paid for my PB, today for the same cash, I can buy a machine with 8x the computing power. Maybe if I wait another two years to upgrade, computing power would be 64x!! :)

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. from Warhammer 40000 about
  • from Warhammer 40000 about

  • Not sure if anyone noticed yet, but there are a ton of new visualizer effects i've never seen before, and the visualizer runs at native res when in fullscreen.

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. WH40K Wallpaper
  • WH40K Wallpaper

  • At that price, I hope Apple considers preinstalling Vista on its machines.

    240 bucks for Boot Camp is ludacris, when you'll probably hardly use it anyway...

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Space Marine Warhammer 40K
  • Space Marine Warhammer 40K

  • There is a very good article in the latest Popular Science (just got it in the mail two days ago -- I assume it is Nov-2002 issue -- when I get home, I'll verify).

    The article discusses everything you guys are talking about.

    It shows, very clearly, how Mhz and Ghz for benchmarking is not a good idea - it compares AMD to Intel, then throws the PowerPC into the mix.

    It's definitely worth a read.


    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Hello Kitty cute Warhammer 40k
  • Hello Kitty cute Warhammer 40k

  • [According to the report, "Abbey Road" was the best-selling album in the United States, while "Here Comes The Sun" topped the song charts.

    It should be interesting to note that when the general public thinks of The Beatles, they think of Lennon/McCartney songs. "Here Comes the Sun" which appears to be the best selling Beatles song on iTunes, was written by George Harrison.

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer+40k+pictures+art
  • Warhammer+40k+pictures+art

  • Good: Notebook is only 30� C
    Bad: Fan blasting @ 6KRPM (really unnecessary, can't even use this in class without disturbing the rest of the people in there)

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War
  • Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War

  • As for 'professionals' getting pissy:

    I don't think any of them care too much about the new features as much as they care about the speed updates. That's the biggest benefit for them.
    The 'quick' editing features are useful for some 'pro' edits, definitely useful for a pro-sumer.

    My best friend is an editor in a production house in Hollywood and his concern was that they didn't talk about tape workflow, video in/out cards, 3rd party support or XML-based export - among other things.

    Just the concern is that they re-built the app and added a lot of GUI and 'smart' features but they didn't say anything about the dirty nuts & bolts.

    So - it's an area of concern.

    If Apple did what they did with iMove - re-built it from the ground up and removed features (most of which were re-added in the next version)
    Well that would be a concern as the 'new' version wouldn't have support for their existing workflows.
    (not workflows like "we like to do things this way" more workflows like "because of how this was shot or because we need to export to this specific tape deck" workflows that you can't really mess with)

    It's mundane stuff to 'fans' and 'prosumers' but critical for higher end production houses.

    A lot of people (me included) were pretty annoyed when Quicktime X came out with fewer features than QT7 . . .

    As for the other reason editors might be grumpy:

    Some of their 'work' will be partially replaced by smart features.
    So they might worry that their exec sees this and gets rid of their assistant because "the software can do it!" which isn't necessarily the case.

    Professionals get grumpy when all of a sudden software allows people to do things that used to be their 'trick' exclusively.
    Old designers complain about Creative Suite, photographers complain about Photoshop/Lightroom/Aperture, music producers complain about Pro Tools and now editors will complain about Final Cut.

    Speaking of Quicktime 7 - know anything that adds those features back?

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer+40k+wallpaper+
  • Warhammer+40k+wallpaper+

  • Then how do you turn it off? If it's a feature I should have the option to change it back to how it was. It's pretty annoying and I'm surprised no one else is complaining about it. I understand how some people might like it, but you would think there would be the option to decide which one you want. Similar to changing the rotation lock on the iPad to mute, some liked it and some didn't

    I could be wrong, but I think I know what you are describing.

    It sounds like you need to change your 'play alert tone' setting. In settings>messages, there is a setting that says "play alert tone", and you can set this to once, twice, etc. I believe twice is the default, but you can change it if you prefer. I know you are asking about vibrate, but if you have your mute switch activated, then it will vibrate instead. So this wold account for double vibrating.

    warhammer 40k wallpapers. Warhammer 40k poster by
  • Warhammer 40k poster by

  • Pardon me if this post is a spam :) . Will Vista be released & shipped all over the world on 30th of Jan, 2007?

    :mad::( iTunes crashed as soon as it turned off my iPhone. Thank Darwin for TinyUmbrella.

    Uh oh, now you're going to unleash the fury of the autism brigade. Asperger's isn't a personality disorder!

    It is a psychological condition/disorder, correct?

    Edit: others beat me too it. I'm on a friend' iTouch.

    Seems pointless trying to do anything about it immediately. My PB serial number and battery serial numbers match the list, but I get:

    "This computer serial number is not eligible for the Battery Exchange Program."


    "This serial number is invalid or does not qualify for the program."

    Looks like they need to fix the site.

    but that doesn't mean that OS X is anywhere near impenetrable

    I don't think that anyone who has A Clue™ doesn't know this already.
    The ilk of people who think it's immune are the same ilk of people that don't understand why their WindowsPC is running so "slowly".

    I just resent being called smug.

    I also resent blackhatters who are new to the OS X game getting all rightous. Where were they the last 5 years?
    They're part of the REASON "mac users are so smug about security".

    It can cause a lot of problems when people misinterpret or don't understand it. And lots of modern believers do avoid reading the old testament, especially books of the law like Leviticus and Deuteronomy (because they can be hard to understand). "Jesus the Son of God" derives his very legitimacy through the alleged fulfilling of Old Testament prophecies. For a Christian to "avoid reading the old testament" is surely to deny his paternity.

    For me personally, I enjoy reading the narratives of old testament figures like Abraham, David, Joshua, Moses, Solomon, Isaac, etc. etc. These people were far from perfect and much of what we learn from them is in taking note of the mistakes they made. It gives me comfort knowing that if God can use them then he can possibly use me despite the numerous mistakes I make.However, these people were Canaanites, worshipping the same pantheon as the other Canaanites, naming their sons after El and other Canaanite gods. The concept of monotheism was a late, exilic development. Throughout their pre-exilic history, the Hebrews in Israel and Judah were polytheistic. It says so on numerous occasions in the Old Terstament. The elohim of Genesis were "the gods": "let us make man in our own image". What can that possibly mean in a monotheistic cosmos?

    As for the "Secular Bible", I think it's a misnomer to call it a "bible": surely it is a compendium of philosophy, a kind of eclectic ethical anthology, more akin to a shopping list than a rulebook for Life.

    One thing is true...the WWDC pic is DEFINITELY real.

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