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  • I have been following your arguments and I get a sense that though not explicitly anti immigrants, you are opposed to any concentration of EB immigrants from any particular place..

    I value Mr Unitednations posts as he provides us with the opposing point of view. That is absolutely critical. It would help us strategize and plan.

    This has been a very valueable thread. It would be very nice if something positive can result from this. (I can't think of anything. Help me out if you can.)

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    #78 07-07 12:43 PM
    guchi472000 guchi472000 is offline
    Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2008
    Posts: 13

    Re: Visa Bulletin answers and other isssues


    Hi Ron.

    Any predictions for Aug-08 visa bulletine.


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    #79 07-07 01:30 PM

    Re: Visa Bulletin answers and other isssues


    I suspect there won't be much change from the July bulletin.

    Ron Gotcher Ron Gotcher is offline
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    07-07 01:30 PM
    Ron Gotcher Ron Gotcher is offline
    Attorney at Law Join Date: Sep 2005
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    Re: Visa Bulletin answers and other isssues


    I suspect there won't be much change from the July bulletin

    As our "Legal" mentioned please see Ron's commets on the Aug 2008 Bulletin, before its released.

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  • aps, I can see your apprehension.

    I already have a house here and am not planning to buy another by putting 20% down payment. But I support this idea, because, it might take away a couple of 100 people from the queue.

    Plus, such a letter is indicating to the Congress that we are ready to give the country a helping hand when she needs our help the most.

    I hope you would reconsider your position.

    IV is started for one cause, that is to eliminate the unfair country quota and speed up the green card process. Let us stick with that.Do not divert by introducing these kind of proposals.

    Few weeks before there was a fight between eb3 and eb2 applicants on this forum. Now you are starting a new group which favors who has money. This is not good. Let us unite and focus on one goal. I am not supporting this idea. Please drop this.


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  • the bailout amount of 700billion shows you how deep in trouble the market is.
    How many do you estimate will really buy a home if there is a law like this.
    Do you have any survey, any real study with proper numbers?? If its 1000 people, its not going to be worth the trouble for them. If its 20,000 real commitments, then we are talking... With downpayments of 250k and mortages for the rest, we are soon talking some pretty decent numbers here (assuming bay area kind of home prices)

    Also you mentioned IV is discussing this. Do you mean core IV team is officially involved in a campaign or is this just ur own initiative.

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  • I agree, but its sort of v late. We know, i dont know want to name but majority of the people come from one particular state, and most cases of fraud/body shops are from them. They are all settled since the the Y2K era, even though they never deserved on merit basis.

    Lets not start another stupid fight here. We are all concerned about the new memo and we are all going to get affacted. Lets focus on cause and remedy.

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  • Surprisingly, no mention there.
    BTW here is their "general info" email address

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  • If you guys had a chance of getting substitute labor today you will try to take it at any cost. But you will not want to contribute $25 to IV. If you had a chance of getting a greencard via L1A route you will do it. Just because you cannot get a substitute labor or L1A, you are saying sour grapes.

    This is a bitter truth that we do not like to hear but each will do if they get a chance. Sub labor was legal when it was there and L1A route is also legal today. It is for USCIS to decide if there is a loophole. Stop behaving like an anti-immigrant. Just because you are not able to get this privilege does not mean others cannot try. If you want to try, try to get more visas for everyone rather than blocking people.

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  • Lets see how a common member look at so called "GC Dream" and try to understand why there is no unity.
    Is it what is called "Inspiration" which is missing? I guess so. Can we call it "Motivation"?
    What else can we call that "thing" which stops us from uniting for a cause? "So far I am just "Encouraged" thats all, not inspired". Is this what it is? I do believe there is a huge difference in these 2 words.

    Everyone in this community are Brave and Courageous.

    Note: Do not jump on me asking What am I doing on all this. :) I think we just have to realize this to get a bigger perspective.

    Well -

    AMAN KAPOOR, JAY PRADHAN, HIMANSHU and everyone who are on the forefront are JUST ORDINARY COMMON PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE HERE. the idea behind IV is to provide a support network. If people want to see success - they HAVE to be a part of it. The efforts of such organizations is not to make profits and then sell shares and perform well and then make people join it, it is to provide with a platform where people can help themselves.

    This is truely heroic

    Our primary issue is in our thought process. We want to do everything, we want everything in the world BUT we do not want to stand up and rise in unity. Not necessarly true in everyone's case. several people do not care about green card. Their approach is to stay here as long as they can (or They are allowed so to say) and if the situation gets violent or unbearable. They plan to choose the best option to move back to home country and take advantage of what ever is the exchange rate.

    We want to blame IV leaders saying they are rude and pushy. We come up with discussion threads saying we must do this we must do that and finally we see these discussions just getting buried. Again Not everyone does that

    Good examples of how communities thrive anywhere in the world are the Jewish community and the Patel community. The only reason they have succeeded is because they believe in themselves and their cause - they are all over the world and are united, they have managed to make their lives easier by uniting for their causes. There is no question that unity is the key but not easy as the individual goals are different. Unity is not constant..people unite based on the issue and its effect on them. Once the issue for which they united is resolved or becomes one of less importance" they will choose to stay away. There are several examples in the history even revolutions and freedom strugles. Unity pervails until the comfort zone then it takes its direction.

    Look at us - if green card is delayed - we say - I dont care about it, India is rising - but are we going there? No way - no one who says "India is rising" will go - in fat they will be the first to apply for any immigration benefit. Again this does not apply to everyone. Some may apply for immi benefit but nothing wrong in that and they take that concious decision on the situation that odds of getting GC in this life is near 0.

    Why are we individually so highly skilled and intelligent and capable but collectively so naive? As important this issue is for you, is not as important to atlease some of the members in the community. But still they will do what ever they can for the community with out any "inconveniene". That does not make then in admisible in this community. Does it? If yes, then thats the number 1 block to cross towards unity

    Why do we always want others to do it for us? is it because if there is any opposition the active ones will be affected and we can escape? is it cowardice that stops us from being united? Not necessarly. No one wants others to do anything for them. (Not the people who start new thread with action items for others and pop under the hood). I believe majority of the people are brave enough to take courageous actions when issues are important for them.

    I do admire the leaders in this community. We feel its cowardice because the importance with which the people who take lead on the issue expects others to take the issue at same level of importance. In order to be able to unite people on issues we will have to atleast "Convince" them that this is as important for them. I would suggest a poll to see how many are very serious about GC? Must to have, Nice to have, do not care. I am sure majority will be later 2 categories.

    What is success? How can we achieve success? The word success is "relative". Success for one may not be a success for other."
    Why are we finding excuses for not doing our part? "The reality is people do not think this is as important as going to work tomorrow".
    Why do we always want to praise others but not do something? "No Inspiration". Inspire them and see they will turn the mountian around.

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  • I think the folks who decided to file on their own are clearly the winners here because they have complete control over when the AOS gets filed. Folks like me who decided to go with the company law firm are clearly the biggest losers here because with all the added work load, the law firms are in complete disarray and can not guarantee anything about when the cases will be filed. The company law firm I am dealing with is in so much disarray that they have stopped taking phone calls and they wouldn’t even talk to me on the phone.

    I have submitted all documents and filled out all their forms a while ago and I still haven't heard a word from them about whether they have received all the documents and when do they expect to file my case. Yet this is the law firm that probably charges 400 bucks an hour.

    Like logiclife said, I wish I would have done it myself. Well .. too late now :(

    I suggest that you do this: Send the URL from AILA's memo about what happened to EB3-other worker category in June. And copy your HR and senior folks of your company when you email lawyer. That will tend to focus the attention of your lawfirm and they will either have to say "We will file asap" or they will have to say "AILA's memo doesnt mean anything".

    I bet they will come back with the former conclusion.

    Apparently, these lawyers have been too conditioned to work 30 hours per week and now, having to work 60 hours per week is too tough. NEWSFLASH LAWYERS : We idiots in IT and software very often work long hours to meet project deadlines. Its a part of life. Get used to it or like I said before, find something else to do. Like basket weaving or poetry writing so that you dont have to see deadlines and dont have to burn midnight oil.

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  • By the way Mccaid, next time someone from Indonesia experiences such an issue please also make a thread here and whine about it like we did. Atleast that will make us Indians realize that SRK BS is really BS!!! because we will have no idea about the person who you will be whining about and there will be a lot of indians who will shout at you saying "why is this thread even on IV???? who is this person that Mccaid is whining about???This thing happened to even the great SRK so why this whining???:D:D:D
    If this happened to our prime minister Manmohan singh, I belive he would have just laughed. He would not have said "I am MM singh". The bottom line is there are certain rules and regulations and everybody (including SRK) is subject to them. Next time SRK travels he should consider carrying all the CDs of his movies with him to prove his "greatness".

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  • I provided a statement of funds with the original application. They asked for an updated statement when they sent a request for medicals and updated FBI fingerprints. So, you'll most probably have to provide a letter from your bank twice.

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  • dilipcr,

    Don't tell us you are trying to save america for americans ( now that you are going to be a citizen)

    Nope I am not. I am suggesting that first let the deserving get the GCs and not waste time fighting for all

    You are just trying to close the door behind you.

    Nope. I want the deserving people to come in. My criterion for a deserving guy is that the person works directly for a company. If you believe my criterion is flawed then call it out. Dont go about saying that I have selfish motives. wage destruction not just affects me but also the future IV GC holders and citizens. So whats wrong in my calling it out ?

    You think Grassley bill is good for everyone. Yeah sure it is good for you !

    Yes everyone in America for sure and it includes the current H1bs and prospective GC holders

    You have begun to think like loosers guild( aka programmers guild)
    If by saying that the deserving should get the first opportunity to get in, I belong to the losers guild, then I salute your critical reasoning

    You claim the fittest will survive and you don't need any luck to survive. However you had your round of layoffs too. That is a fact of american job market. Luck does play a lot in people's lives especially here in US. I have heard of an IBM engineer who was laid off during 2001 recession. He had 2 patents under his belt. So nobody is immune to luck factor.

    There you go. No wonder I still come across the favorite Indian past time of attributing everything to luck. Yes I had my share of layoffs. Why isnt it viewed from a point of view of my tenacity of survive, hang on and push harder ? Why should it be luck that aided me ? So you want to twiddle your thumb hoping that luck would take you through this journey ? Why not take some action ? If I had sat in a corner weeping and blaming luck for my 3 layoffs in 1 year, i would not have been whatever I am today.

    Now that you have become a GC holder and soon going to be a citizen, you are so much worried about the wage levels and and L1 visas. You are ok with H1Bs because you were on H1B earlier in your life.

    Yes I was a H1B to start with. But I did not represent an outsourcing company or a body shopping company. I was hired by a top notch company named MSFT. Ever heard of the spell check and grammar check algorithm in MS Word ? I had put in my 2 humble cents in developing an algorithm for MS Word 97 product then.

    Did you ever worry about depressing citizen's wages when you were on H1B ?

    You still think that I joined MSFT then after depressing a citizen's wage.

    It is one thing to be so self centered, another to say it aloud on a prospective immigrant's forum like IV.

    If my self interest would serve a great good for the deserving what is wrong in that ?

    BTW america is the best place to do business. If you feel threatened by more work force entering USA, become an entrepreneur like Vivek Wadhwa, not a loser like Ron Hira.

    Aren't we Indians a bunch of crabs !

    Dude, Read Vivek Wadhwas findings carefully. He wants the best and the brightest to be provided unlimited visas. I agree with him completely. He is not for perpetual fraud and wage destruction as proferred by the outsourcing companies. Next time when you quote a defence, atleast quote something that supports your case not the opponent's :-)

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  • Well said...




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  • They asked me to submit IELTS test results inspite of submitting TOEFL score (108/120) and english proficiency letter.

    toefl is not recognised by Can Immigration dept

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  • albertpinto,

    I agree that it is not going to be easy - but I don't see any other way.

    It is easy to throw numbers - 200K, 500K waiting, 750K apps received etc. etc., but unless there is evidence to back it up, these numbers mean nothing. What is our answer to a Senator who asks how many people are waiting in line Eb category? And what is the source of that data?

    How else can we estimate how much money we are paying every year in taxes and contributing to the growth of the economy? Or, how many really intend to buy a house on receipt of the Green Card?

    Perhaps we can think of some other strategy to arrive at some concrete numbers - but I sincerely don't think a database of anonymous unverifiable members is of much use. By the way, when I said verifiable, I meant that if a representative from a senators office were to randomly call a number from the database, he would find a legal immigrant at the other end who is trying to find his way through this process.

    I like the idea of a temporary green card - there has been talk about it in the forums in the past. We could also consider pitching the idea of "expedited/early evaluation/adjudication", of the I-485, for a fee. The main point could be:
    - For a fee, you will know for sure whether all your paperwork/interview work is complete, the case has been adjudicated, and your application is waiting only for a visa umber.
    - Once the case is adjudicated - the USCIS sends you a letter that it is complete. Now can do almost anything with your EAD/AP - work for any employer, any field, any state, study, start a business etc.

    The USCIS can define the criteria for accepting cases for early evaluation, such as:
    - PD older than 3 years
    - Buying a house etc.
    - Attempting to start a business, changing job, going back to school to enhance skills etc.

    Any other thoughts, any one?

    In my view that sets the bar too low for us. You can never get any certainty with an EAD/AP, with a green card one is considered a "probationary American". With this sort of request, there will be a "probationary period to probationary citizenship".
    At this juncture, if you are in a secure job and can hold that job, especially if other jobs depend on yours, and feel secure enough to buy a home in this country, you are a tremendous asset to this country at this time.......period.
    The skills, savings mentality, strong family values, capital and international contacts that we possess are a net plus to this country.
    I have not come to this country to beg for anything, I have come to benefit myself while benefiting America. There are synergies here for us and any fair minded person will see this. Only narrow minded people who have a zero sum mindset eg Lou Dobbs can't see this. If an EB5 investor, a spouse of a citizen, and other categories can get a green card right away, why would a similar option not be afforded someone who will in a substantially tangible way benefit the economy near and long term. The American public will embrace this if presented to them in the appropriate way.

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  • Like I said, after AILA's memo came out yesterday, all the lawyers who were saying "it wont happen" have suddenly flipped and now they are saying "Anything can happen".

    I have been asking this question for the past 1 year. I was always told that USCIS can not retrogress mid-month.

    My guess is that USCIS told the lawyers that they will not retrogress mid month. Now USCIS is flip-flopping. That is why AILA wants to sue USCIS which probably means nothing: USCIS has lot of lawsuits!

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  • I mean you guys are fighting like retarded. Use your head. What you going to gain by proving your point.

    No wonder so called highly skilled get treated so "highly" by USCIS.

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  • Lessons YSR taught Sonia (

    Snippets.. go through all the user comments on the post in TOI.

    YSR moulded democracy in AP in his own feudal mode. Hailing from the drylands of Rayalseema, where barren agriculture and lack of industry made an industry out of violence and extortion

    YSR devised his own framework of governance that he started implementinng the moment he came to office in 2004. Simplistically stated this framework was an adaptation of the old zamindari system: under this YSR parcelled demarcated areas of the state to his loyal followers (who were elected as MLAs and MPs from these areas). Within the jurisidisction of these areas, these loyal followers were the kings - they were free to do anything (within limits) using the state's administrative machinery. In return, YSR wanted their loyalty and resources for the party kitty

    Well, YSR delivered the state to her not once but twice and also financed a large part of the Congress campaign costs. In this comfort, Sonia forgot that the loyal Congressman had converted the party into his own personal satrapy

    Guys why are we fighting over something that is not helping us, no Indian politician has helped us in our journey to GC, nor have they taken interest in our welfare. We are on our own in this mess, so let us unite as one, no north south east or west we are one HINDUSTANI.

    My condolences to the Andhra CM YSR family.

    All those guys advocating war post Mumbai attacks,all those folks who thought most of the responsibility of the attacks was of the forces outside India, did you guys do what you can in talking to your folks asking them to go out vote and vote to the right candidate?

    A.P is going to vote tomorrow.

    As I was talking to some folks I found out this interesting information.

    Apparently some time back around koti area in Hyd local Hindu temple were erased under the pretext of road widening project without issuing advance notice.

    May be ..may be, if it is road widening then anything... be it temple or any other religious/non religious place have to erased but not may be without advance notice and not just religious places belonging to one particular religion.None of the other religious places were even touched though they happen to be in the area. Coincidence or not A.P CM is non Hindu.

    Aparently most of the LTTE forces were erased in Srilanka by Indian forces sent there on the orders of Defense Minister Antony.Looks like fate of Prabhakaran depends on what is beneficial tradeoff to some forces.

    These incidents alone may or may not matter much but forces behind these incidents which are very much internal elements of the country do matter for long term peace and prosperity of the country.

    Also NDTV (like it was said during the Kargil war) was reporting the location of the army on TV which helped the terrorists leading to the death of many Indian soldiers apparently did it again during Mumbai attacks.Burkha Dutt got Padmashri for her acts.You decide if you want to celebrate her victory.

    Watch out and analyse the news reported by:
    NDTV,CNN-IBN(belongs to Macaulian Indian Rajdeep SarDesai),Times Now,Hindustan Times,Indian Express(shekhar Gupta),Hindu.
    Don't know what is the truth but apparently it is popularly believed in India that Arab and church money flows into these media houses.

    Disclaimer:All the facts on this post are not my personal views but have been raised by politicians,journalists,officials which I found them on the internet while surfing.

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