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  • If true this is the most awesome thing that I've ever known a company to do :)

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  • WOW!!!! 8 megapixe?!!!!!!! i remember like 5 years ago when i bought a 200$ camera and it was 6 megapixels and it was considered amazing and here is the iphone with a 8!!! ITS CRAZZZYYY:confused:

    It is crazy, because with the tiny sensors in cheap cameras (and in the iPhone / iPad) you get the best overall results with a 6 megapixels camera. Anything above that just introduces more noise because you don't get enough light per pixel.

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  • No thanks - 3D gives me headaches.

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  • ok the US store was last to go down. but which one goes up first with the new update? :D

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  • :confused: This whole forum is about Beatles music being on iTunes!

    Woops, when you said "Mashup" I thought it was some third party mashup - I didn't realize it was a new Beatles album that came out!

    Have to pay closer attention to those new releases...


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  • I didn't do that bad.... I did eliminate the Defense Budget all the way down to $100 B. If China is not starting a war, I don't see the reason to spend more than 6x what they spend.

    Anywho, I did bump education and science budgets by a huge margin... college went from $5 B to $30 B, Science went up to $60 B... NASA has a nice $30 B.

    I don't get why we spend more one Defense than Education. It is stupid.

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  • I hope they brighten the interface a bit. I find it too dark. Also i hope some of the buttons become drop down buttons. It looks way more cluttered then FCP7.

    all the improvements i have seen are major approvements. Even though this is an early demo. bravo, apple.

    edit: or give us the advanced and regular version UI ;) all buttons that have shortcuts i dont see need for in the UI for an everyday user like me.

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  • Usually these stories don't have a happy ending.

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  • Why is this on the front page? It's like saying that WalMart is now selling a junk tablet. Except this article says that Toys R Us and Best Buy is now selling iPads. This isn't front page news.

    Because it is hard to come by an iPad 2, and lots of people are interested in getting them, so when two national retailers run special promotions making them available it is of interest to a lot of people.

    The better question is why did you post in this thread if it was no interest to you... It is not hip or cool... it is just wasteful and ignorant.

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  • I'll wait for the Media Centre Edition to ship - that's one of the "super secret" parts of OSX 10.5 that hasn't been shown.

    Could you expand on this? What will the Media edition add to the pot? Thanks.

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  • They make cars in the US, and domestic cars are typically less expensive than foreign ones. This argument really doesn't fly.

    Stop making excuses for US companies that build their products elsewhere. We CAN manufacture things in this country; we used to do it a lot more and the products were affordable.

    My Apple IIe says "Made in the USA" on the bottom. It's sad that we never see that on computers anymore.

    we also make airplanes and other things that cost a lot. partly because shipping cars across the ocean is expensive and import duties

    it's the cheap things that can't be produced in america anymore for a price people are willing to pay

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  • It'll be $129 � the same as ALL of the past upgrades except for Snow Leopard which was Leopard but just a slimmed-down, rewriting of the OS. Apple felt that without a lot of core new features being added, they would give the public a break and just charge a nominal fee for Snow Leopard, rather than the typical $129.

    Don't listen to anyone who says differently. It will be $129.

    It'll be cheaper if bought via the Mac App Store, just like Aperture is cheaper than the off the shelf, boxed version when bought via the Mac App Store.

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  • Don't forget about the Mac Pro Cube ( :D

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  • I've always felt that WW2 was justified though the way we ended the war was unfortunate and un-necessary.

    World War Two is a pretty bad example for pointing out a justified war. Consider the 28 long months that the US sat and watched. Consider that Pearl Harbor was not just a spur-of-the-moment attack perpetrated by a madman but a response to what was considered an aggressive position taken by the US (cutting off oil exports to Japan).

    There was an organization called "America First" which lobbied hard to remain neutral in the face of that conflict over there in Europe (because a great many Americans — including JFK — were of the opinion that WWI was entered for the benefit of the bankers). America First even objected to Lend-Lease, without which Britain might well have fallen to the German assault.

    If America had taken a timely, proactive interest in protecting her allies from Germany's empire-building adventurism, millions of lives would probably have been spared. This is the lesson we should take thence. Blithely allowing crazy leaders to pursue empire unchecked is a recipe for worse to come. What happens elsewhere is not necessarily somebody-else's-problem.

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  • Medium Length Haircuts

  • I am very impressed with Apple on this one.

    Specs Bumped
    Price Dropped
    Gap closed

    I think this put the nail in the coffin on the headless desktop between the iMac and the Mac Pro.

    The only things that bugs me (probably because I bought a Mac Pro) is that the iMacs come standard with 1GB and a comparable card. Makes me wish they went at least 2GB and a 7600GT. But oh well.

    Considering they added a 24" iMac, what are the chances that they will move the 23" ACD to 24"?

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  • Switched to macs back in 2001 and while I love the OS I have had a continuous stream of hardware problems with all apple products I have bought:

    iBook G3: logic board died and replaced 3 times

    iMac G5: CPU got so hot the machine almost melted! So far I have had the logic board replaced 3 times.

    MacBook: Random shutdown syndrome, faulty mouse and track pad, palm rest discoloration. Currently in for repair again!

    iPod: hard disk and battery both died

    EDIT: and don't get me started about the abomination that is the so called mighty mouse. The thing barely lasted a week!

    Apple have really got to get there quality control sorted out. So what if the OS is great if the continual hardware faults mean you can't actually use the damn thing!

    One cheesed off mac user.
    Your experience is clearly not representative. My family and I have had 9 Macs, and no hardware problems ever. And large surveys, including those by PC Magazine and Consumer Reports, have shown that Apple desktops require significantly fewer repairs than any other brand out there.

    Either you are trolling, or you are the most unlucky Mac user I have ever heard of...

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  • First, you need a lesson on how to have a conversation. Second, Apple is a hardware company. If allowing people to install Windows on their computers will allow them to sell more, then so be it. My company has started letting us purchase Mac now, since it can run some of our Windows only programs. I think bootcamp was a great move. You still have to buy a Mac to use it, so what's the problem.

    A lot of resellers are already preinstalling XP on Intel Macs.
    Resellers who are pre-installing XP on Intel Macs are charging for XP or they're willing to take a loss, because they are paying for it.

    Apple does allow people to install Windows on their computer, it's just that people need to buy it, seperately.

    I've been running Windows applications on Apple computers for over 15 years. So except for those gamers that need Direct X support, there really aren't any Windows apps that don't work on an Apple computer.

    Calling Apple a hardware company is like calling McDonalds a hamburger stand.

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  • absolutely love this, well done. such a nice picture.. the city scape in the background.. just great!

    Thanks! I was waiting for the sunset over the city last night and the clouds screwed me. So I stuck around in the cold and took some night shots. Here's another from the same bench that I didn't like as much.

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  • Android Phone Specs are out pacing the Iphone. An 8 Megapixel camera, bigger screen and more memory will keep me buying.

    The competition hasn't learned that a huge portion of actual customers don't buy cell phones based on these kinds of hardware specs. And there's not enough money (bottom-line profit) in catering to those fewer customers who do care.

    ...USA no longer manufactures except for our junky USA cars.

    January 2011 marked the 18th straight month of growth in the US manufacturing sector, at the fastest rate in 7 years. Further, manufacturing created more jobs than were eliminated for the first time in more than a decade, and the number is likely to increase in 2011 (Wall Street Journal).

    Not saying the situation is optimal, and we're not going back to an old-fashioned steel and coal economy anytime soon, it's just that the mythology has overtaken the facts. (

    Just become some hacky software to read chip temperatures broke doesn't mean you shouldn't install an important firmware update.

    Duuude, you're soooo cool (and quite a fibber).

    If you bother to read the previous stuff, you would have found out that its not the fact its reading the temps wrong, I could care less, its just the fact that my fans are being blasted @ 6K RPM on idle. I personally don't mind the heat, and would gladly sacrafice some silence for heat.

    And as a general rule, if stuff is working fine, don't mess with it, because you are asking for trouble.

    The rumor was false, because Apple will be announcing the product that is replacing the MacBook Pro, the iPad-Pro ;-)

    but that doesn't mean that OS X is anywhere near impenetrable

    I don't think that anyone who has A Clue™ doesn't know this already.
    The ilk of people who think it's immune are the same ilk of people that don't understand why their WindowsPC is running so "slowly".

    I just resent being called smug.

    I also resent blackhatters who are new to the OS X game getting all rightous. Where were they the last 5 years?
    They're part of the REASON "mac users are so smug about security".

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