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  • Just ordered new 17" Macbook Pro with antiglare screen and 500 gb 7200 rpm drive,now I need to know how to protect it. What is everyone using? Thanks for the help.

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  • Right. And when my white friends and I call each other the "N" word, it's just a figure of speech we use to describe each other's bitchin' sun tan. We don't mean anything by it. It's not racist or anything... :rolleyes:

    Well in that case, there's a clear line that a non-black person doesn't say that to a black person. It's not like the referee had an "I'm Gay" sticker on his shirt.

    I mean, what about saying..."omg...that is sooo gay" when describing a non-cool object or situation. Is that "gay bashing" too? I mean, this is getting to such a point where you can say anything that "might" offend some overlysensitive person...becomes a racist, sexual harrassment, hate, etc offense. I mean, some things are understood to be coloquial amoung pop culture.

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  • I donated once, the second time I tried to donate when the nurse heard that I have -5 dioptre on one of the eye, just torn the papers and said "sorry you can never be a blood donor" :(

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  • How are you trying to add apps/music, and what happens when you try? Please post any error messages you get, etc.

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  • The idea of paying $50 more makes some have a hissy fit while MOST are right to complain about it in a normal, reasonable way.

    AT&T is obviously more than legally able to do this but it is obvious to anyone that they are doing it strictly to add more $ to their pockets. And the response to that will be that they are allowed to and that EVERYONE wants more money. Yes, and consumers are allowed to complain when companies do something STRICTLY to make them pay more.

    There is really no reason for AT&T to do this other than to make consumers pay more. When AT&T does this, they should expect a backlash

    You cut off the rest of the point (you didn't even bother to quote the rest of the sentence.. you could have at least done that and bolded the part you wanted to address).... which I noticed no one addressed including you. You cut off the part where I was addressing those saying they were going to Verizon over this (which I call throwing a hissy fit since the only reason to do that cause they'll get even less of a early upgrade discount is cause you are wanting to spite AT&T). Who doesn't even let you get any discount for any early upgrades so in that respect they are worse than AT&T. So how does having a hissy fit and going to Verizon help those people who are that upset they are going to Verizon?

    Plus I disagree that this is solely just to make more money (or that it is the only reason that could be why they are increasing prices). Prices of *everything* is going up these days. Which means AT&T's prices are going up. They just might be finding it is not feasible to allow people to upgrade early with that much discount.

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  • I learned this the hard way, before I was a moderator. I would post about something I saw that was wrong, and a moderator would fix the problem and delete my post. It didn't take me long to figure out I was making their job more time consuming!

    as a non-moderator but a very active member ... it is sometimes hard to discern what will be interpreted as a 'bad post' and what the on duty mod will let fly. i think i've only reported one post, but will always try to diffuse a situation before we involve 'the authorities'; unless im involved of course. :p

    maybe i've just adopted bad posting habits ...


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  • I wonder how many of these posts are trolls? I haven't had any issues whatsoever with 4.3.1. I also didn't have any problems with 4.3; battery life has been absolutely stellar and call performance actually improved in 4.3.1.

    Battery life was atrocious for me on 4.3, but 4.3.1 completely fixed it. I get the "Call Failed" message sometimes too, but only about 5% of the time.

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  • for Blackberry Bold 9700

  • OK, I've been thinking about this event now for a day. I noticed two what I would consider Steve faux pas. The first being Mr. Jobs brought up the one thing I have been hoping and begging for since the beginning of iTunes and the iTunes store: the Beetles. Why on earth other than "Hey, I like them" would he bring up an artist, in this case a group, that is not even available in the store? Was it a test? Was he hoping to hear a reaction from the audience that would push Sir Paul over the edge and join the throngs of iTunes lovers? Give me a break! The fourth largest music retailer should be able to pull in any band. Fact is, those of us who love them are getting older and the new generation thinks they are six legged arthropods.

    Along the same lines was the Paramount introduction. Vague to say the least. Now, in the background were titles like the Italian Job (both of them), Paycheck, and K-19. They are not to be seen on the store. Sure, Thursdays seem to be the day of updates for the movies but Steve said they were updating right as he was giving the keynote. Another slip?

    Rating: 7/10

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  • Great Story!

    P.S., you must have very wealthy friends. Right on.

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  • Here is my current one


    Please share this. Awesome picture

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  • Mine (MBP 13')

    OMG, mine look almost the same :D

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  • Should be fixed now...sorry about that.

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  • http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/5283/screenshot20100901at111.th.png (http://img843.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20100901at111.png/)

    Likin' the new iTunes logo!

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  • Apple's attitude about this stuf has always been very positive. I'm totally willing to believe that all this stuff was an oversight since believing that matches what they've said in the past.

    Weren't they made aware of this almost a year ago? That's a long time to address an oversight.

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  • I cut it off b/c it was irrelevant. Not because I was avoiding it...and come to think of it, what exactly was avoided? If some want to go to Verizon, so be it. It may cost them more money but some leave for the principal of it. If my unlimited got cut off, I would move to Verizon in a heartbeat even though it would cost me a bit more. I would not want AT&T getting my business anymore.

    You mentioned people hissy fitting (for whatever reason) and I mentioned that many do throw but many others are throwing them for legitimate reasons

    Oh, AT&T isn't doing this for money? What exactly went up cost wise with AT&T and the iPhone 5?

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  • Model : Blackberry Bold 9700

  • I realize that you didn't question the legality but another poster (that I originally quoted) did. I am aware that the buyer will not be required to pay, and he shouldn't be. I just can't stand people that automatically declare something illegal because they think it is wrong. It seems to be a common practice these days.

    too many immature people on this board, and people who think they know everything about everything :p which is why i haven't posted much over the past couple of months.

    rhinestone blackberry bold 9700 cases. For BlackBerry Bold 9700
  • For BlackBerry Bold 9700

  • iOS for iphone is an exclusive smartphone OS. Or are you telling me that ipod touch and ipad run the same exact OS?

    Laptops and desktops run the same exact OS. There are no apps that are made specifically for a laptop or desktop. There are iphone apps that wont run on an ipod touch. There are ipad apps that wont run on an ipod touch or an iphone. If they were the same OS then that wouldnt happen.

    Because it's common sense.

    Wow I can't believe you have not used an iPad or iPod touch, they are the exact same os feel and look.
    You are wrong, research a little before you make false statements

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  • This bling case is made for

  • How anyone could seriously think that 16 years behind bars, even with a television, is a cushy way to spend a life is beyond me. Who here would volunteer?

    :eek: you've got to be joking right now. it's not supposed to be cushy, it's supposed to be horrible, and it's supposed to last until the day they die if they don't get the death penalty. before we were talking about life in prison without parole versus the death penalty, and now you're saying that someone who is currently death penalty worthy in the states should be put in prison for 16 years and thats sufficient? Let's be clear because i don't want to accuse you of implying something you're not. Is this or is this not what you are saying?

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  • I photoshopped most of the things out and im using it, but i would love the original please :)

    This is just the detail of an image I've done for some contest. It's not over yet so I can't give the original. When it's finished I'll post it.:D

    This is how it looks like:

    I decided to have a complete set of Hayden

    you lucky man! perfect :D

    I'm trying to change my Idisk Icon, but I can't find it in candybar under volumes or applications. Any Ideas? I'm on a trial version of .mac right now if that helps.

    I would be surprised if we saw a 64 bit fcp before Lion. Apples qtkit API, which is thie only QuickTime API that you can compile in 64 bit, is really, REALLY primitive. Its going to require massive updating befor you would even think of running something like fcp with it. You cannot do anything more advanced than splice two videos together with it now. Hell even enumerating all th e codecs you can export to requires going down to 32 bits, and even the stuff that does compile in 64 bit requires a separate 32 bit process to actually do the work. T e sad thing is that apple has had plenty of time to update this API but they have essentially done nothing with it, which shows you how much they care about the pro users nowadays :mad:

    It never crossed your mind that maybe that's exactly what they've been working on all this time? That completing Quicktime X alongside the next version of FCP is what has caused this delay? It's not written in stone that the next version of Quicktime has to ship with Lion. They can ship it with FCP and pump it out in software update.

    I guess, "Imagine a Beowulf cluster of MR mods..." would be out of the question too? LOL. ;)


    Link to original wallpaper please.
