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  • This website is for immigration issues only. Please dont hate me now.

    I Agree. Guys not to be mean or anything but let us please restrict ourselves to IMMIGRATION related matters ONLY.

    Also whoever started the thread pls start the thread in the miscallaneous section and NOT under IV Agenda and Legislative Updates

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  • Did you ask him to give you this information in writing? :)

    Two years back, in the month of july, they accepted all applications in one month.

    May be they have been working in the past 2 years to print cards for all of them and ready to dispatch this July.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D

    I think, they probably distribute thru the local stores like Walmart, Target and Costco.

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  • I actually did chose the safe option and was approved for the O-1 for 3-years. Hopefully during that time something will happen to help me in the future (like a University Teaching position, or at least proving additionally valuable to the US, etc.)
    So, for now resting from all that..

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  • i have a question to you much time NSC is taking these days to process AP applications? I sent my AP application online and documents last week. Whats the average time these days for getting AP renewal done? any inputs???

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  • Website says fax a copy of passport at HDFC to obtain a visa fee receipt.

    Please Note: If you are an Indian citizen resident in the US, to obtain a Visa Fee Receipt from HDFC Bank, please fax a copy of your passport’s data page to the person in India assisting you. That person will have to submit the fax to HDFC Bank in order to get a fee receipt issued.

    Can we just send a copy of passport pages to the person in India who is going to submit the fees at HDFC? Or must fax to the person in India?

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  • POLL: Where Will You File Your I-485

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  • wow!! IV has been very productive for you NewDoc..Would u like to contribute to IV if you get this post? And Bonus if you can convince some of your friends to join IV and contribute too ...

    I will do my best for IV. All I can do for now is tell all my friends and educate them on the issue. I cannot contribute as I do not earn as of now.

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  • I think if you have 2 years left, you will get H1 transfer and the new H1 will have 2 years. After those 2 years, you will get another 3 years if your 140 is not revoked by your previous employer.

    he can get a 3 yr extension no matter what because I am assuming that he will go through PERM and have his I140 approved through the new company in a year or so.

    the only benefit of the old I140 is to port the Priority Date.

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  • thanks for clarifying.

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  • For question 2 - you just have to put a reminder for yourself and make a contribution of 10$ every month to donations at May be this can be done on par with the rent/ mortgage/ credit card bill/car payment that happens every month


    1) Is it possible to allow minimum ONE TIME contributions like $10?
    2) Is it possible to allow minimum RECURRING contributions like $10?

    When I am talking to my friends, we felt that the above things increase the
    Contributions. We are also thinking that it is easy to ask friends to contribute if there are no limits on the contributions.

    If I am correct there are more than 25,000 Members. If there are 10% of active members and each contribute $10 we get another $25000 that is required for the Bill.

    My Contributions:
    $50 Recurring Contributions from Nov 07.
    Contributed $100 for the DC Rally.
    $25 to the local Northern California Chapter in Oct 07.
    Contributed to AILF $100 during the July visa bulletin time.

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  • I read on

    01/08/2009: Bill Introduced in the House for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

    Rep> Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas introduced H.R.264 yesterday to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to comprehensively reform immigration law, and for other purposes. For the full text of the bill, please stay tuned.|/bss/111search.html


    Title: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to comprehensively reform immigration law, and for other purposes.

    Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] (introduced 1/7/2009) Cosponsors (None)
    Latest Major Action: 1/7/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Homeland Security, and Oversight and Government Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


    I don't think they will act on this until the economic issues are resolved.

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  • This company is on the wrong side of the law. Please read H1B laws from DOL(Department of Labor) site.

    Employment Law Guide - Workers in Professional and Specialty Occupations (H-1B, H-1B1, and E-3 Visas) (

    Employee Rights
    H-1B, H-1B1, and E-3 workers are granted a number of rights. The employer must give the worker a copy of the LCA. The employer must pay the worker at least the same wage rate as paid to other employees with similar experience and qualifications or the local prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of employment, whichever is higher. The employer must pay for non-productive time caused by the employer or by the worker's lack of a license or permit. The employer must offer the worker fringe benefits on the same basis as its other employees. Also, the employer may not require the worker to pay a penalty for leaving employment prior to any agreed date. However, this restriction does not preclude the employer from seeking "liquidated damages" pursuant to relevant state law. Liquidated damages are generally estimates stated in a contract of the anticipated damages to the employer caused by the worker's breach of contract.

    U.S. workers and job applicants may also have certain rights under the H-1B programs. U.S. workers employed by an H-1B dependent or willful violator employer may not be laid off within 90 days before or after the employer files a USCIS petition to employ an H-1B worker in an essentially equivalent job. In addition, an H-1B dependent employer or willful violator must offer the job to any U.S. worker who applies and is equally or better qualified for the job than the H-1B alien worker. The U.S. Department of Justice has the authority to investigate complaints of failure to hire qualified U.S. workers.

    No employer of H-1B, H-1B1, or E-3 workers may intimidate, threaten, blacklist, discharge, or in any other manner discriminate against any employee, former employee, or job applicant for disclosing violations of H-1B, H-1B1, or E-3 provisions or for cooperating in an official investigation of the employer's compliance.

    U.S. workers and H-1B/H-1B1/E-3 workers may also examine the public disclosure documents that the employer is required to maintain that provide information about the employer's compliance with the attestation elements.

    Complaints about non-compliance with H-1B/H-1B1/E-3 labor standards may be filed with a local Wage and Hour Division office.
    U.S. Department of Labor — Wage and Hour Division (WHD) — District Office Locations (

    If you want to complain about this employer, fill in WH4 ( and send it to one of the following offices
    Northern New Jersey District Office
    US Dept. of Labor
    Wage & Hour Division
    200 Sheffield Street, Room 102
    Mountainside, NJ 07092
    (908) 317-8611
    Joseph Petrecca
    District Director

    Southern New Jersey District Office
    US Dept. of Labor
    Wage & Hour Division
    3131 Princeton Pike, Bldg. 5, Rm. 216
    Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
    (609) 538-8310
    Pat Reilly
    District Director

    Also let your friends know that it is illegal for the employer to ask money for H1B processing and also making you sign a bond.

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  • With only 3 days to go for voting, lets do our best to ensure that Narayanan Krishnan wins.

    Please take a minute to vote and vote many times as possible. Please share with family and friends!

    Thankyou and God Bless!

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  • I have a Master's program in US and had 3 years previous work ex. Filed my H1B transfer on Sep, which was recently converted to premium processing. Got the RFE as listed below:

    If it is your contention that the beneficialry is qualified to perform services in the specialty occupation yu have described through a combination of education, specialised training and/or work experience in areas related to the specialty . you must submit an evaluation from an official who has the authority to grant college-level credit for training and/or experience in the speciality at an accredited college or univeristy, which has a program for granting such credit based on an individual's training and/or work experience.

    With the evaluation, the official must include a letter from the dean or provost of the official's affiliated education instutions, stating that the evaluating offical has the authoriity to grant college-level credit for training and/or experience. The dean or provost must also state in the letter whether the affiliated educational instutiion has a program for granting credit based on a indicidual's training and/or work experience, If the evealuator bases the evaluation partly or completely on the beneficiary's work experience. the evaluation must vlearly demonstate that:

    ) The beneficiary''s training and/or work experience included the theoretical and practical application of specialized knowledge required by the specialty;

    2) The claimed experience was gained while working with peers, supervisors, and/or subordinates who have a degree or equivalent in the specialty

    3) The beneficiary has recognition of expertise in the specialty evidenced by at least one type of documentation

    A) Recognition of expertise in the specialty occupation by at least two recognized authorities in the same specialty occupation;

    B) Membership in a recognized foreign or United States association or society in the specialty

    C) Published material by or about the alien in professional publications, trade journals, or major newspapers;

    D) licensure or registration to practice the specialty occupation in a foreign country; or Achievements

    if any one has similar problem please share


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  • Hi,

    What happens if a EAD is obtained for a person on a h4 visa and the person does not work or works partially? Is that an issue, like bench period being an issue while on H1.

    I am thinking that, that should not be an issue as one doesn't need a visa to get back to the country while on EAD, as AP would be available. And potentially bench period turns out to be an issue in H1 becoz consulates tend to look at ur W2's from previous years while u go for stamping, which wouldn't be the case while on EAD. Am I right?

    Would anyone know?,, bumping up.

    Thank you.

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  • You are there for a long wait..mine was filed in dec and still pending.

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  • Sorry to hear about your situation...

    There are few things you can do immediately. Try to see if you can afford to become a full time student (f1 visa)... talk to an attorney and find out this option, if you can join some school then you are not out of status, nor will be your wife.

    If you are eligible to apply for an EAD do that too.

    Really sorry man, dont worry this too will pass for sure...

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  • you have to give the H1 qualifying exam (I think Step 3), then you have to apply for Residency in universities. They all call you for personal interview, and the results are announced in mid march. Once you are selected, they'll process H1 for you. If you do not have step 3 cleared, then they'll process J1 visa for you. Most of these universities come under non-profit so, H1 quota is not a issue for them.

    until the economy improves, i am not too optimistic that something will happen in lame duck session
    well there maybe some truth to this, but our situation is desperate, we can't afford to not give it our best, or stop trying.

    'The best defense is a good offense'
    - Sun Tzu - The Art of War
    - Bruce Lee - Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun

    for CIR......some people are going to bash me for this, politics blah blah...
    'Dont use a Cannon to kill a Mosquito'
    - Confucious

    Disclaimer, I'm an Indian
